I want to remove the ability to sell items, only give the option to buy, is this possible?
Also how can I edit the code to open with /s, /S and /SHOP. I found the section to edit but keep breaking the code
"Main Settings": {
"» Require permission to open Shop": false,
"» Block shop usage while building blocked": false,
"» Require TC Auth. to use shop": false,
"» Shop Chat Command": "shop",
"» Pre-fill sell amount based on player's inventory": false,
"» Enable purchase cooldowns (data/Shop/Cooldowns.json)": false
"Global Sales": {
"» Permission Sales": {
"shop.sale30": 0.3,
"shop.sale75": 0.75
"» Item Sales": {
"wood": 0.15,
"stones": 0.15,
"metal.fragments": 0.1,
"sulfur": 0.05