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Everything posted by AppleMapping

  1. Version 0.0.1


    This map is perfect for your players! Beautiful terrain, small size (1500) and everything you need is on this map! Oil Rig, Underground, and most importantly - custom NPC town combined with Bandit Camp! Use Random Respawner if player spawns inside water! (give to default group permission to use this plugin) cards: Losted factory - Green Harbors - Blue Abandoned Warehouse + Satelite Station - Red Map Size: 1500 Prefabs: 4000 Custom Monuments: Outpost (custom) GragS Market Losted Factory Satelite Station Abandoned Warehouse Default monuments: Oil Rig (Large) Lighthouse (x2) Harbor (x2) Large Fishing Village
  2. Version 0.0.1

    1 download

    The Story - Case №24 - The "Envell Project" As a result of the accident at oil rig, a large group of scientists was forced to leave it, taking everything valuable with them and moving to Exodus Land. This place is teeming with useful components, but due to some difficulties, many places nearby, such as The "Researchers" Quarter, "Camp of Scientist" and "Old Researchers Center" are heavily affected by radiation, however, there are a lot of components in these places. Silent Backwater is a place that has been the main object of study, because the soil in this area allows trees to grow to incredible sizes. But they were quickly dealt with by some "Keepers". The scientists were expelled from this island, and one of their factories was left unattended, after which it was destroyed, and the Keepers built themselves a base on the largest tree in this area, where they successfully trade with other inhabitants of this fascinating world. The Stone Forest is a place that deserves special attention. It's also full of mysterious smoke (it doesn't eat a lot of FPS, by the way), and there are a lot of rocky formations on it, Including the ores! On the closest edge to Exodus Land is the "Old Research Center", which is heavily affected by radiation. With the cosmodrome, everything is very clear and understandable, except that there is a cool shop nearby where you can profit much more than in the usual one! And the final one is Deadrose Castle. It is unclear by whom, how and when the castle was built. It is always frosty, it is impossible to get there without a copter, but the concentration of ore on it is incredibly high. It is not clear who its owner is, or maybe it is a project of "Scientist Group LLC."? Case closed. About Map - This map is made with your own hands, without the use of third-party programs, only RustEdit. There are custom roads on the map, with custom trash cans, the usual ones - everyone has been bored for a long time, it's time to do something new. The map has a strict balance of resources, and the efforts made on each island are rewarded 100% fairly. All key points have radiation levels corresponding to the amount of loot in that location. The place of the oil rig is occupied by the "Camp of Scientist". By the way, nothing was said in the case about the end of the world - this place is completely affected by the maximum level of radiation, but in some places (on the border of the island) You can build a house. It has a large amount of loot, since getting there without a boat, weapons and Hazmat Suit, syringes and pills is a stupid idea. Map Size: 3500 Prefabs: 25000 Facepunch monuments: Launchsite Large Fishing Village The Dome Stone Quarry HQM Quarry Sulfur Quarry Custom monuments: Camp of Scientists Sorting Station The "Researches" Quarter Old Researching Center Losted Factory Compound of Keepers The Edge of the Map LaunchSite Market Deadrose Castle Oil Rig Ruins For correct map works download to your server this DLL file - https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Scientists who were constantly being smashed on oil rigs fled to an abandoned factory, taking a Chinook with them. This monument will be interesting for players to explore, perfect for small maps as a replacement for an oil rig. Showcase - install instruction: 1. Unzip the file to the CustomPrefabs folder in RustEdit. 2. Place it on the map in a convenient location by applying a height mask + splat mask. 3. For the prefab to work correctly, it must be installed on your server RustEdit.dll (Download and read instructions for apply - https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit/blob/master/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.dll )
  4. Version v01


    This is one of the best small rt to your map! The work is inspired by Russian realities. Install instruction: Download the file and unzip the archive. Transfer all the files that you have unpacked to the CustomPrefabs folder in Rust Edit. Put the prefab on the map, and also be sure to block the building with prevent building cube! Showcase -


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