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ScientistSentries 1.2.3

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About ScientistSentries

The Scientist Sentries plugin allows you or your players to get Scientist Sentries and place them.

These sentries will act like normal turrets, but they will always check for targets in a 360° angle.



scientistsentry.get <name/steam id*> <amount*>   - Give a scientist sentry item to a player





  "Instant sentry switch (Sentries toggle instantly when switch toggled)": false,
  "Power required to switch": 0,
  "Force switch to be on when required power is given": false,
  "Where the switch to toggle the sentry is located (View website for options)": "front",
  "How far the switch is from the center of the sentry in meters": 0.8,
  "Sentry Item Name": "Scientist Sentry",
  "Sentry Skin ID": 3306396656,
  "Sentries need Ammo": true,
  "Sentry Ammo Slots": 6,
  "Sentry Range": 100.0,
  "Sentry Aim Cone": 2.0,
  "Delay between shots (seconds)": 0.115,
  "Sentry Health": 1500,
  "Sentries can take damage": true,
  "Sentry drops when floor missing": true,
  "Warn player if has no ammo when turning on": true,
  "Warn player if ammo is low when turning on": true,
  "Base Damage": 15.0,
  "Default Ammo Type (Requires Sentries need Ammo to be false)": "ammo.rifle",
  "Ammunition": [
      "Short Name": "ammo.rifle",
      "Allowed": true,
      "Extra Damage": 0,
      "Create Fire": false,
      "Create Explosion": false

Instant sentry switch - When the switch on the sentry is toggled, should the sentry instantly turn on/off or do the default turret startup or shutdown sound and animation

Power required to switch - When setting is set to above 0, players won't be able to toggle the sentry unless the required power is put into the Power In of the switch. Automatically toggles off when power is removed.

Force switch to be on - When the required power is put into the Power In of the switch, it will turn on and players will not be able to toggle the switch anymore. Automatically toggles off when power is removed.

Where the switch is - Configures where the switch is on the sentry.

   - Available values:

      - front: In front of the sentry/On the first leg

      - back: Behind the sentry, in the air

      - leg1: Same as front, on the first leg

      - leg2: On the second leg/right back leg

      - leg3: On the third leg/left back leg

      - north/n: Always faces to the north, sentry rotation doesn't matter

         - Also works: east/e, south/s, west/w, northeast/ne, southeast/se, northwest/nw, southeast/se

How far the switch is - How far the switch is away from the sentry.

Sentry Item Name - The item name of the sentry items. Already existing sentry items will not change, but they will continue to work as long as the skin stays the same.

Sentry Skin ID - The Skin ID of the sentry item. Already existing sentry items will NOT change and will not work anymore.

Sentries need Ammo - When disabled, sentry inventory is locked and they will always shoot. Otherwise take 5.56 Rifle Ammo.

Sentry Ammo Slots - How many slots the sentry inventory has.

Sentry Range - Range of the sentries. Vanilla (outpost turrets) = 100, Normal Turrets = 30

Sentry Aim Cone - Aim cone of the sentries. Vanilla (outpost turrets) = 2.0, Normal Turrets = 4.0

Sentry Health - Health of the sentries. Vanilla (outpost turrets) = 1000 (doesn't take damage) , Normal Turrets = 1000

Delay between shots - Fire rate of the sentry. Shoots every X seconds. Vanilla (outpost turrets) = 0.115, Normal Turrets = Attached gun fire rate

Sentries can take damage - If sentries should be able to take damage, from explosions, bullets, etc.

Sentry drops when floor missing - When set to true, the sentry will not drop as an item when the floor/foundation underneath is broken. Sentry will still disappear.

Warn player if has no ammo - When set to true, the player will be warned in chat that the sentry has no ammo inside of it when turning it on. Does not work if `Sentries need Ammo` is set to false.

Warn player if has no ammo - When set to true, the player will be warned in chat if the sentry has under 100 5.56 Rifle Ammo inside of it when turning it on. Does not work if `Sentries need Ammo` is set to false.

Base Damage - The base damage the sentry inflicts

Default Ammo Type - When Sentries need Ammo is set to false, use this ammo type

Ammunition - Custom ammunition types

  - Short Name: Short name of the item

  - Allowed. Is false, the sentry's inventory will not accept the item

  - Extra Damage: Extra damage on top of Base Damage

  - Create Fire: Creates fire like incendiary rounds

  - Create Explosion: Creates explosions like explosive rounds

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