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Anticheat+ 2.0.3

   (1 review)

3 Screenshots

About Anticheat+

Anticheat+ offers another layer of stronger defense against cheaters & exploiters.

Web Panel: https://xonafied.dev/anticheat

Core Features:
- Flyhack+ 
- Jumpshot+
- Smart throttling
- Smart Violations
- Smart Kicks
- BRAND NEW: Web Panel  w/ Analytics.
- In-game Admin Alerts!

Complete logging limited to;
 - Discord Webhooks
 - Web Panel

- anticheatplus.admin

24/7 Support & Questions: https://discord.gg/tvQg2yWqnu

Customization (config file):


  "AC+ Core | Throttle to prevent lag": true,
  "AC+ Core | Enable System Logs (recommended)": true,
  "AC+ Core | Tickrate (keep it under 3 seconds for optimal performance)": 0.5,
  "AC+ Panel| Enable Panel": true,
  "AC+ Panel| Secret Key (Web Panel)": "SECRET_KEY_HERE",
  "AC+ Core | Smart Violations": true,
  "AC+ Core | Smart Ban": false,
  "AC+ Admins | Alert admins in-game, realtime.": true,
  "AC+ Flyhack Detection | Enabled": true,
  "AC+ Flyhack Kick | Enabled": false,
  "AC+ JumpShot Detection | Enabled": true,
  "AC+ JumpShot Kick | Enabled": true,
  "AC+ Discord Webhooks | Enabled": true,
  "AC+ | Discord Webhook URL": ""


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