About Eiffel tower
This is a prefab of the eiffel tower. it is 300 meters high in game.
This tower is as close as reality as i could make it without too many prefabs used
The tower has 4 levels with different interactive floors.
Ground level
At ground level you have the utility's where you can acces the stairs to each pillar.
With these stairs you can climb te tower to the first level.
in each pillar foot there is a green card acces to the tunnels below.
Below Ground
in these tunnels there is a blue card puzzle.
There is room voor a dungeon which will be available in end march 2025..
First Floor
On the first floor there is a restaurant where food can be bought.
And a tools/blacksmith where you can repair and fix gear.
You can buy there tools. and tier 1 weapons.
Tthere is a recycler and a tier 1 workbench
On this floor there is also a shop for parts and items to secure your base.
This floor is a safety zone and can be used as OUTPOST.
Second Floor
With an elevator you can go to the Second floor.
This floor can be used as an event floor.
There is an elevator to the top floors.
Top Floor
This floor is especially suitable for the heli event.
There is also a vending machine selling parachutes for jumping off the tower.
Zip file contains :
1) a procedural map with the Eiffeltower installed
2) prefab of the Eiffeltower
3) The sign images. which can be loaded on signs (optional)
4) Vending presets for the top vending machine.