About Eagle's Land
Feautures: Custom landscape, Mountains, rails, size 2500, Custom player spawn, Custom Lakes, Custom building places, Custom monuments, Launch Site.
| Facepunch Monuments list
Safezones: Fishing Villages, Bandit camp.
Large: Excavator, Military tunnels, Trainyard, Airfield, Large Harbor.
XLarge: Launch Site.
Medium: JunkYard, Nuclear Missile Silo, Sewer Branch, Underwater Lab, Arctic Research Base.
Small: Quarries(HQM, SULFUR, STONE), Satellite dish, Sphere Tank, Lighthouses, Military Base.
Offshore: Large and small Oil Rig.
RoadSide: Radtown, Supermarket.
| Custom Monuments list
RoadSide: Car Repair Shop, Large Warehouse, Facility 48.
Small: Broken Drilling Site.
Warning: Before starting the server, make sure that you have used the Mapprotection plugin, which is located in the file along with the map. Without it, the map will break!