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Universal loot table format

Fusion 3.64

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I know this one will be controversial. But I think it's worth bringing up.

Everybody has their own style. And the end result is the main concern.
Does it work? Yes.
Does it perform well? Yes.

But the one thing that's always kinda bothered me was the loot tables.
I don't think I've seen many of them match up between plugins.
I've even seen numerous examples of developers using conflicting tables across their own plugins.
They still work perfectly fine. And that's all that matters.

But I'm a lazy p.o.s. and have dreamt of a world where I can just cut and paste loot from one config to another.
Like this plugins I just picked up is similar to this other one I already have. Time to move the loot.
Well damn. Have to redo all 100+ items again.
I still do it. It's part of running a server.
And it's not all that terrible, just a bunch of cut and paste.
Just lazy and wishing there was a faster way.

Is it possible that the development community could come to an agreement on a universal format?
I know that there will be a massive transition period with older plugins.
But in the future. Going forward.
Could this be a thing?

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 8/9/2022 at 8:02 PM, thepiercedweirdo said:

I know this one will be controversial. But I think it's worth bringing up.

Everybody has their own style. And the end result is the main concern.
Does it work? Yes.
Does it perform well? Yes.

But the one thing that's always kinda bothered me was the loot tables.
I don't think I've seen many of them match up between plugins.
I've even seen numerous examples of developers using conflicting tables across their own plugins.
They still work perfectly fine. And that's all that matters.

But I'm a lazy p.o.s. and have dreamt of a world where I can just cut and paste loot from one config to another.
Like this plugins I just picked up is similar to this other one I already have. Time to move the loot.
Well damn. Have to redo all 100+ items again.
I still do it. It's part of running a server.
And it's not all that terrible, just a bunch of cut and paste.
Just lazy and wishing there was a faster way.

Is it possible that the development community could come to an agreement on a universal format?
I know that there will be a massive transition period with older plugins.
But in the future. Going forward.
Could this be a thing?

I thought the same when i was using two loot plugins together but that may not be possible.
For Example Alphaloot has many features which BetterLoot may not have and data file may vary.

I don't know much about plugins but i think it works like that

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At one point I believe BetterLoot was maintained/created by the same person as AlphaLoot (Fujikura). And AlphaLoot was just the premium version.
It's since become its own beast under k1lly0u. It looks like a great plugin But I had abandoned it since it didn't play well with custom items.
It refused to let them spawn in containers and it was impossible to properly add them to the table since there wasn't an option for a name entry.
No matter how many times I asked for this it never went through.
So I moved on.

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On 9/7/2022 at 4:22 PM, Qube said:

I thought the same when i was using two loot plugins together but that may not be possible.
For Example Alphaloot has many features which BetterLoot may not have and data file may vary.

I don't know much about plugins but i think it works like that

Don't know why i didn't add this part before. Probably has to do with my recent pudding brain.
Why do you use both plugins?
Shouldn't AlphaLoot handle all the things that BetterLoot does by this point?
And aren't there conflicts running two plugins that handle such similar aspects?
Honest questions. Just curious.
I've accidentally run two stack managers at the same time and had massive issues until I figured out what I did.
I've never used two loot managers at the same time though.

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