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Plugin to remove blocked building zones or allow building in blocked zones?


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

That'll work for spawning in most prefabs for the admin if you just want to add some spice for the players to encounter. I would NEVER hand that plugin's perms to a player though.

If you just want the players to be able to build with the building plan and wooden hammer as normal, sadly it's not possible as it's controlled client side as well as server side, so even if you remove the block from the server side it won't help as removing the block client side is impossible.

You CAN build the building elsewhere, and use Copy/Paste to simply paste a building down. It has the drawback of being tricky with exact placement, and that you don't want to normally hand this directly to a player. It could be added to GUIShop etc as a "buyable' command, but you will likely have players that moan about how copy/paste put the building down.

The other option is the free "Build" plugin, which will also allow you to build pretty much anywhere. but again, this one you can't hand to players.

Edited by The Friendly Chap
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