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Razor's NpcRaiders

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Hi @Death,

I would like to request a refund for NpcRaiders, it's fine if it's just CF credit, I'll use it here anyway. Just rather find a better plugin than have to deal with @RaZoR1234' s childish bullcrap. He can feel whatever his black and shrivviled heart wants, but punishing his customers is not acceptable. Sorry you have to deal with this crap, but I understand you'd rather not have creators who refuses to support his creations beacuse he can't figure out "Don't cancel and resubmit" means don't cancel, and don't resubmit, just wait for the payout. 

Anyhow Order #106303

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  • Administrator

I've refunded your purchase into account credit. Also, please double-check your @ there, as you've mentioned the wrong user. 👀

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Hi Death,

I also would like to ask for a refund since - that's what it looks like - I won't get any support or updates on the "npc random raids" plugin.
The order number is #96168.

thanks a lot

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