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'Alive The Longest' High Score Scoreboard


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- Scoreboard showing top 3 should be up constantly without players being able to toggle them on/off.
- Should show the top 3 players who have been alive the longest without dying/getting killed
- Alive Stat for each player should reset to 0 when they die/get killed

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5 hours ago, RustMaker said:


- Scoreboard showing top 3 should be up constantly without players being able to toggle them on/off.
- Should show the top 3 players who have been alive the longest without dying/getting killed
- Alive Stat for each player should reset to 0 when they die/get killed

hey add me on discord: janny.p


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"SurvivalLeaders" illuminates the path for those curious about the valiant survivors who have defied death the longest. It conjures a visual display, a UI panel, showcasing the top 3 players with the most extensive survival times, breathing life into their tales of resilience.


Core Mechanics

Upon the server's dawn, when the virtual world springs to life, this plugin meticulously records the moment each adventurer steps into the realm. It keeps a vigilant watch over their journey, marking the time of their arrival and, unfortunately, their departure, whether by the cold hand of disconnection or the cruel fate of death.

Persistence through Rebirth and Rest Even when a player succumbs to the inevitable, their legacy is preserved, ready to be reborn as they re-enter the fray. The cycle of life and death continues, with survival times updated and displayed in real-time, a testament to their enduring spirit.

The Commands of Time Manipulation

  • /dltimeadd <playerID> <time>h/m/s: Bestowed only upon the server's deities (admins), this command allows the alteration of the fabric of time, adding to a player's survival record.
  • /dltimeremove <playerID> <time>h/m/s: Another divine tool, permitting the reduction of a player's accumulated survival time, for reasons known only to those who wield such power.


The UI Tapestry

The plugin weaves a CUI panel, a tapestry of information, that adorns the player's view, revealing the names and survival hours of the top contenders. This visual artifact updates dynamically, ensuring the legends of the longest survivors are always known to all.

Data Preservation

In the unseen realms of data, "SurvivalLeaders" inscribes the tales of survival onto the ethereal pages of a digital tome, ensuring that no story is lost to the void upon the world's rebirth (server restarts). This chronicle allows for the continuation of legends, as survival times persist through the ages.

The Essence of Time

At its core, this plugin is a guardian of time, meticulously tracking each second of survival in the harsh world of Rust. It celebrates the resilience of players, offering a glimpse into the saga of survival that unfolds in every corner of the server.

In summary, "SurvivalLeaders" is not just a plugin; it's a chronicle of endurance, a mirror reflecting the undying will of Rust's inhabitants to survive against all odds. It stands as a beacon for those who seek to etch their names into the annals of survival, offering both a challenge and a reward for the warriors of time.


💢 I coded the plugin, you can contact me for customization and innovations. @RustMaker

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