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Wix Website Link to server.


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Hi there I have a wix based website that has a members section, what I would like to do is give players a permission/execute a command when they register on the website, is there something that can do this already or could someone help me with this.


My website is UKRust.com if you want to see what I've managed so far.

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  • Administrator

As long as Wix offers some type of API to communicate with your site this would be easy. If you could find some documentation for Wix I can let you know if it's possible or not.

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There are a lot of topics in the Wix help forum relating to API, unfortunately not knowing what any of this means im not sure what exactly you would need, I have copied one of the help posts regarding exposing API so I imagine there would be something in there that would be helpful.

If not let me know more about exactly what you would need and I will contact customer support.

Exposing a Site API with Http Functions.txt

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