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Discord & In-Game Authentication/Syncing System


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I'm looking for a Rust Plugin and Discord Bot combination.  The current set of plugins that allow similar functionally on another plugin site are either outdated, or inconsistent in there functionality. I'm open to discussion with regards to cost for development.

How i see the Plugin/Bot functioning.
- Player joins Discord and see's Discord Bot, showing server status ( player count ...etc)
- Player types /auth in-game
- Receives code in-game privately (4 characters long) will also expire after X mins
- Player messages Discord bot the code
- Bot applies a Role in Discord and in-game if correct, otherwise warn code is incorrect

Option Config Function.
- Option, Sync names in-game to Discord true/false
- Option, If player is banned in-game apply user defined Discord Role (eg. Banned Role) true/false
- Option, If player is muted (mutes applied by RustAdmin) in-game apply user defined Discord Role (eg. Muted Role) true/false
- Option, Sync bans with Discord true/false
Option, Sync any number of roles/permission and vice versa between Discord and Umod.
eg Discord "Twitch Sub Roles" Oxide "Supporter Roles" Oxide "Regular Role" Discord "Regular Role"

- Discord command to retrieve players Steam ID and in-game name, Admins only.
!getid discordname#0000 - if syncing is off but user has linked steam to there discord profile
Discord command to remove/reinstate name syncing for user, Admins only.
!namesync discordname#0000 - if syncing is on either remove or reinstate name syncing for that user.


Any question let me know or reach out to me on Discord 🙂

Many Thanks

Edited by Mackenzie
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