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[PAID] Light House Event


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/7/2023 at 12:50 AM, HoloxyRust said:

Hi @CaptainNebulous!

We'd like to know if you have any interesting and particular idea for Lighthouse so we can develop it.
Just let us know✌️

So here's what I'm thinking for the general concept of the event

Part 1 : The player must fight through a series of highly customizable NPCs to get to the top of the lighthouse, where they will find more NPCs. All along there will be a few extra boxes spawned on the way up. At the top there will be a switch to engage part 2.

Part 2 : The lighthouse beacon changes to a red color (if possible). NPC's start spawning all over the lighthouse and running at the player. The event becomes a king of the hill for 5 minutes as the player fends off respawning NPCs. However the timer is reset if the player leaves the monument.

Part 3 : After 5 minutes, NPC's stop respawning and a heli arrives for the final battle

Part 4 : After killing the heli a locked crate is dropped off at the lower outside levels of the monument

Only problem is I know the NPC's hate stairs 😞    So if you need to change up the configuration to compensate for that I understand. Feel free to use a totally different idea as well. I just think the lighthouse could have something really cool

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