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Some issues I seem to be having

Closed 1.2.8



The 1st issue was with the NPC's not being able to damage players buildings when SimplePVE plugin is loaded. This is most likely a SimplePVE issue but thought I would add it here just in case.

2nd is the /spawnpointreload name says it has reloaded the name, but it doesnt seem to make any difference until the plugin is reloaded. Is this the intended behaviour ?

3rd is when attempting to place an NPC onto a foundation (one a player builds in this case myself) if the Radius option is too large, they spawn off the foundation, and trying to reduce the Radius (even to 0) to force it to spawn on the foundation results in no NPC bein spawned. Have I done something wrong or is there something I need to do to be able to spawn NPC's onto a foundation ?

Other than that, a very impressive plugin. I havent released it to our server yet, but Im sure the playes will love it.



Hello @Smithy

  1. Check your SimplePVE settings as that would control the damage block.
  2. Correct to take changes you made into effect reload the entire plugin. This is more for testing.
  3. NPCs do not know how to walk on foundations so this is not going to work nearly whatever you do. But anything done in the editor can be used, within reason. It has to be something they can walk on. I'm not sure if the building pieces have been tested if built in the editor I think they would have the same result unless you put triggers for them to walk on instead, which is a good amount of custom work.
  4. Let us know if you have any other questions, and have fun with it!


Hello everyone, JBird answered everything correctly, I would like to add information about the movement of NPCs on the foundations, if you use a custom map, then you can use Invisible Collider, which will be located above the foundations, then the NPC will have a navigation grid and it will be able to move and appear there



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