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Tugboat Damage

Not a Bug 3.3.1


I had a player earlier who says he had RP on his tugboat, and although his doors were showing protected and still are ...  his tugboat took damage when he was attacked. He was quite upset about it. lol

I would presume this is a bug, or are tugboats classified as a vehicle and I need to turn the false value I see in the config to true under protection settings?

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Yup, so the tugboat itself is classified as a vehicle, so if you want it protected, vehicles needs to be turned on... I didn't know that tugboats *could* be damaged though, they have a healthbar?

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Sorry not sure if they have a health bar, I never asked and player hasn't been back on yet... however I turned vehicle protection to True so I'll test this later and see if they still take damage 🙂

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