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Not working

Closed 2.3 2.3



Did you updated your plugins with the last updated version?



Sorry I couldn't figure out the issue. Can you send the config file as well. And which design not working in mini? Or anyother info that will help me understand the situation.



  "Use Permission": false,
  "Ui Update Interval": 1,
  "Change Hud Design": 3,
  "Vehicle Hud #1": {
    "Hud #1 Ui Settings": {
      "Ui Change(Hud/Overlay)": "Hud",
      "AnchorMin": "0.649 0.024",
      "AnchorMax": "0.831 0.176",
      "OffsetMin": "-0.554 -1.197",
      "OffsetMix": "-0.148 -0.648"
    "Hud #1 Ui Icons": {
      "Vehicle Light": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/Qx148TNL/editedcar-light.png",
        "Active Color": "#10ff10",
        "InActive Color": "#6CD2E1",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf"
      "Vehicle Engin": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/MZh3JDSb/editedengine.png",
        "Active Color": "#6CD2E1",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf"
      "Vehicle Lock": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/qBtDFF9v/editedcar-locked.png",
        "Active Color": "#6CD2E1",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf"
      "Vehicle Fuel": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/cC83cwkd/Fuel.png",
        "Active Color": "#6CD2E1",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Color": "#ffffff"
      "Vehicle Health": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/Jz8TGzts/editedwrench.png",
        "Icon Color": "#6CD2E1",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Color": "#ffffff"
      "Vehicle Grid": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/hhWdZvNT/edited-Location.png",
        "Icon Color": "#6CD2E1",
        "Text Color": "#ffffff",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf"
      "Vehicle Speed": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/MH2WBQCk/Untitled-design-1-removebg-preview.png",
        "Icon Color": "#6CD2E1",
        "Number Size": 20,
        "Number Color": "#ffffff",
        "Text Color": "#6CD2E1",
        "Text Size": 20,
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf"
  "Vehicle Hud #2": {
    "Hud #2 Ui Settings": {
      "Ui Change(Hud/Overlay)": "Hud",
      "AnchorMin": "0.113 0",
      "AnchorMax": "0.341 0.161",
      "OffsetMin": "0.044 -0.001",
      "OffsetMix": "-0.644 -0.766"
    "Hud #2 Ui Icons": {
      "Vehicle Light": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/Qx148TNL/editedcar-light.png",
        "Active Color": "#008000",
        "InActive Color": "#808080",
        "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.6745098"
      "Vehicle Engin": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/MZh3JDSb/editedengine.png",
        "Active Color": "#008000",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C",
        "Text Size": 14,
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Color": "#ffffff",
        "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.6745098"
      "Vehicle Lock": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/zfvwfph0/car.png",
        "Active Color": "#008000",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C",
        "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.6745098"
      "Vehicle Fuel": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/cC83cwkd/Fuel.png",
        "Active Color": "#008000",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Color": "#ffffff",
        "Text Size": 14,
        "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.6745098"
      "Vehicle Speed": {
        "Number Size": 20,
        "Number Color": "#008000",
        "Text Color": "#008000",
        "Text Size": 14,
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf",
        "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.6745098"
      "Vehicle Gear Shift": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/bvfSXgbn/gearshift.png",
        "Icon Color": "#008000",
        "Text Size": 14,
        "Text Color": "#ffffff",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.6745098"
      "Vehicle Heli Height": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/qByYscb1/whitehelicopter.png",
        "Icon Color": "#008000",
        "Text Size": 14,
        "Text Color": "#ffffff",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.6745098"
      "Vehicle Boat": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/Jzz80Qf2/motor-powered-boat.png",
        "Icon Color": "#008000",
        "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.6745098"
  "Vehicle Hud #3": {
    "Hud #3 Ui Settings": {
      "Ui Change(Hud/Overlay)": "Hud",
      "AnchorMin": "0.661 0.01",
      "AnchorMax": "0.838 0.165",
      "OffsetMin": "0.388 0.165",
      "OffsetMix": "-0.242 -0.884",
      "Background Color UI": {
        "HEX": "#172027",
        "Opacity (0 - 100)": 70.0
    "Hud #3 Ui Icons": {
      "Vehicle Light": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/Qx148TNL/editedcar-light.png",
        "Active Color": "#008000",
        "InActive Color": "#808080"
      "Vehicle Engin": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/MZh3JDSb/editedengine.png",
        "Active Color": "#808080",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C"
      "Vehicle Lock": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/W45s5RcJ/padlock.png",
        "Active Color": "#808080",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C"
      "Vehicle Fuel": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/cC83cwkd/Fuel.png",
        "Active Color": "#808080",
        "InActive Color": "#DC143C",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Color": "#808080",
        "Text Size": 14
      "Vehicle Speed": {
        "Number Size": 20,
        "Number Color": "#ffffff",
        "Text Color": "#808080",
        "Text Size": 14,
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf",
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/RVxpKQTf/zYv7RDY.png",
        "Icon Color": "#808080"
      "Vehicle Gear Shift": {
        "Icon Color": "#808080"
      "Vehicle Health": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/Jz8TGzts/editedwrench.png",
        "Icon Color": "#808080",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Size": 14,
        "Text Color": "#808080"
      "Vehicle Heli Height": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/xCRZQ2T0/helicopter.png",
        "Icon Color": "#808080",
        "Text Size": 14,
        "Text Color": "#808080",
        "Text Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf"
      "Vehicle Boat": {
        "Icon": "https://i.postimg.cc/0NGK6qnL/boat.png",
        "Icon Color": "#808080"

Here is the config.

It doesn't just show up in flying.
Not one of them works

And now I got off the boat and hud shows up even though I'm no longer in the boat 😞





Sorry for the late replay. I was busy for a while, cause of family reasons. I will be checking up the codes, and let you know with new updates, Please stay with me for the time being, Thanks



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 2.3



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