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Locked Crate Timer

Closed 1.2.7

OK, I did a bit more digging as this is happening every time I use /callcargoplane


it seems that maybe (ent.hackSeconds = serverHackSeconds - Configuration.timerCrates) might be responsible?


If I already have my normal server hackable crates timer at 5 minutes using the available convar, it seems this line of code is taking 5 minutes from 5 minutes which is 0

so e.g.

server.cfg convar: hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds 300 - plugin config: "Crates timer(in seconds)": 300

300 - 300  = 0


Can you check out what's going on?


Edited by Annunaki

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I just tested again but with the auto start event timer enabled, when I manually call the event with /callcargoplane the timer was 0 when spectating players but when the even is run automatically the timer is at 5 mins.


Crate that was called with the auto event timer.


Edited by Annunaki

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Actually, I don't know what is going on... I just manually called the crash again, and opened the crate myself but this time the timer was at 5 mins.

Edited by Annunaki

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Right now, I'm using my test server (same files and settings as the live server)


Manually calling the event or auto event start is working as expected and the timers are 5 mins when opening the crate straight away, but right now I am trying to simulate how a player would interact, e.g running to the event, killing the NPCs etc then opening the crates.

I will post back here if I find anything.

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I have no idea what's going on but on the live server (when spectating players) the locked crate timer is always 0, I tried to simulate this on my test server (same files) playing the game as my admin but each time the locked crate timer is at 5 mins...

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And everything is fine on my server too, only other plugins can influence.  Unfortunately, I don't see a solution to the problem at the moment. Maybe you have a little more information, in which case let me know about it

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Still having this problem, and now I see it just happened on the auto timer Airfield Event too, It doesn't happen all the time, it is completely random.

Can you please add some verbose debug logging to both of the Cargo Crash and Airfield event plugins, so I can try to capture what happening to aid in finding this bug?


It's happening on Both Cargo Crash and Airfield Event.


Fresh server, Fresh map, Only plugins installed are Cargo Crash, Airfield Event and Drone Event, Permissions Manager and Vanish.

Edited by Annunaki

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