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Drone error message & drones are removing existing ID's in Computer Station

Closed 1.1.8 1.2.0



Failed to call hook 'OnBookmarkControlStarted' on plugin 'UAVDrone v1.1.8' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

at Oxide.Plugins.UAVDrone.OnBookmarkControlStarted (ComputerStation computerStation, BasePlayer player, System.String bookmarkName, IRemoteControllable remoteControllable) [0x0000d] in <88a8165aae744fa9b73faee5a9f4377d>:0

at Oxide.Plugins.UAVDrone.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00204] in <88a8165aae744fa9b73faee5a9f4377d>:0

at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0

at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0

at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawn+CustomScientistNpc.EquipWeapon (System.Boolean skipDeployDelay) [0x00452] in <88a8165aae744fa9b73faee5a9f4377d>:0

at NPCPlayer.EquipTest () [0x00000] in <d6bbf0f789d24f118ee9d29a084444e2>:0

at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x00109] in <9574f9366cee44818c5a3bb8e87585f4>:0

at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <9574f9366cee44818c5a3bb8e87585f4>:0


the computer stations are - once again - whenever you enter one it adds all your drones automatically. (which actually isn't useful in some cases when you're trying to keep drones on separate computer stations) -- and in the proccess removing ANY and ALL ID's you had stored in it. This includes monument cameras, turret cameras, cameras around your base (ect) 




it appears to only be doing that "remove" and "add" when that error message plays (which unfortunetly is not every time you use a computer station.)



i need more info .. i run this plugin on my server and    1. no ext5ra ids gets removed .... and 2 i dont get the error u referring to ... what other plugin's pertaining to cam's do you have

all code only happens on a drone id with a "UAV" starting with ID . so please give me more to get to the route of your problem



Hmm.... ill see what I can get you! 😄 

I dont have any mods specific to camera's or computer-stations. 

I am using "drone turrets" | "drone storage" | "drone settings" | and "Drone Lights" 

do you know what info I could grab for you that would help?



Listing 157 plugins:

01 "Admin Radar" (5.3.1) by nivex (2.65s) - AdminRadar.cs

02 "Admin Toggle" (1.0.6) by Talha (0.00s) - AdminToggle.cs

03 "Advert Messages" (3.0.2) by LaserHydra (0.01s) - AdvertMessages.cs

04 "Auto Flip Drones" (1.1.0) by WhiteThunder (0.00s) - AutoFlipDrones.cs

05 "Automatic Authorization" (1.3.3) by k1lly0u/Arainrr (0.73s) - AutomaticAuthorization.cs

06 "Auto Reset Targets" (1.0.5) by Default (2.14s) - AutoResetTargets.cs

07 "Backpack Button" (1.1.0) by WhiteThunder (0.30s) - BackpackButton.cs

08 "Backpacks" (3.11.9) by WhiteThunder (0.57s) - Backpacks.cs

09 "Base Repair" (1.0.24) by MJSU (0.00s) - BaseRepair.cs

10 "Better Admin" (1.0.0) by Malmo (8.90s) - BetterAdmin.cs

11 "BetterAttachments" (0.0.3) by ignignokt84 (2.16s) - BetterAttachments.cs

12 "Better Chat" (5.2.12) by LaserHydra (0.03s) - BetterChat.cs

13 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.06s) - BetterChatMute.cs

14 "Better Chinook Patrol" (0.1.1) by WhiteThunder (0.41s) - BetterChinookPatrol.cs

15 "Better Drone Collision" (1.0.1) by WhiteThunder (0.27s) - BetterDroneCollision.cs

16 "Better Electricity" (1.2.4) by Rick (2.23s) - BetterElectricity.cs

17 "Better Elevators" (1.2.8) by WhiteThunder (3.11s) - BetterElevators.cs

18 "BetterNpc" (1.2.2) by KpucTaJl (3.50s) - BetterNpc.cs

19 "Better NPC Names" (1.0.3) by Krungh Crow (0.95s) - BetterNpcNames.cs

20 "Blood Trail" (2.0.0) by hoppel (0.00s) - BloodTrail.cs

21 "Build" (2.2.2) by Gonzi (8.67s) - Build.cs

22 "Building Grades" (1.0.12) by Default/Arainrr (0.00s) - BuildingGrades.cs

23 "Building Skins" (1.1.5) by Kaysharp & Marat (0.25s) - BuildingSkins.cs

24 "Building Workbench" (1.3.3) by MJSU (5.60s) - BuildingWorkbench.cs

25 "BulletProjectile" (1.0.1) by Karuza (0.00s) - BulletProjectile.cs

26 "Car Turrets" (1.6.1) by WhiteThunder (6.39s) - CarTurrets.cs

27 "ChaosNPCDownloader" (0.1.0) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - ChaosNPCDownloader.cs

28 "ChatCommands" (0.2.0) by Drxp (0.00s) - ChatCommands.cs

29 "Chat To Console" (1.1.1) by Purples (0.00s) - ChatToConsole.cs

30 "Chest Stacks" (1.3.6) by supreme (0.24s) - ChestStacks.cs

31 "Chutes" (1.0.2) by bmgjet (0.50s) - Chutes.cs

32 "Clans" (0.2.6) by k1lly0u (0.10s) - Clans.cs

33 "Clan Team" (1.0.6) by deivismac (0.01s) - ClanTeam.cs

34 "Clear Repair" (1.3.0) by Clearshot (0.12s) - ClearRepair.cs

35 "Compound Teleport" (2.0.2) by kwamaking (0.04s) - CompoundTeleport.cs

36 "Copy Paste" (4.1.37) by misticos (0.06s) - CopyPaste.cs

37 "Craft Car Chassis" (1.2.2) by WhiteThunder (0.01s) - CraftChassis.cs

38 "Crafting Controller" (3.2.8) by Whispers88 (0.08s) - CraftingController.cs

39 "Custom Cards" (1.1.0) by Camoec (0.00s) - CustomCards.cs

40 "Customizable Magazines" (1.1.4) by Razor (2.77s) - CustomizableMagazines.cs

41 "Death Notes" (6.3.8) by LaserHydra (0.83s) - DeathNotes.cs

42 "Drone Boombox" (1.0.1) by WhiteThunder (0.02s) - DroneBoombox.cs

43 "Drone Hover" (1.0.5) by WhiteThunder (0.32s) - DroneHover.cs

44 "Drone Lights" (2.0.2) by WhiteThunder (0.31s) - DroneLights.cs

45 "Drone Settings" (1.3.0) by WhiteThunder (0.27s) - DroneSettings.cs

46 "Drone Storage" (1.3.0) by WhiteThunder (0.06s) - DroneStorage.cs

47 "Drone Turrets" (1.3.1) by WhiteThunder (3.30s) - DroneTurrets.cs

48 "Enhanced Hammer" (2.1.0) by misticos (2.64s) - EnhancedHammer.cs

49 "Entity Owner" (3.4.1) by Calytic (0.01s) - EntityOwner.cs

50 "Eternal Plants" (1.0.1) by 0x89A (0.00s) - EternalPlants.cs

51 "Everlight" (3.4.18) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr (56.28s) - Everlight.cs

52 "Exploding Oil Barrel" (1.1.0) by Bazz3l (0.01s) - ExplodingOilBarrels.cs

53 "ExplosiveRounds" (1.0.1) by redBDGR (0.03s) - ExplosiveRounds.cs

54 "Extended Recycler" (1.2.2) by beee/The Friendly Chap (0.67s) - ExtendedRecycler.cs

55 "F1 Server Console Log" (0.1.7) by NooBlet (0.01s) - F1ServerConsoleLog.cs

56 "Friendly Fire" (1.1.2) by collect_vood (0.17s) - FriendlyFire.cs

57 "Friends" (3.1.3) by Wulf (0.00s) - Friends.cs

58 "Fuel Gauge" (0.6.1) by Oryx (1.06s) - FuelGauge.cs

59 "Furnace Splitter" (2.5.1) by FastBurst (4.30s) - FurnaceSplitter.cs

60 "Godmode" (4.2.12) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr (1.77s) - Godmode.cs

61 "Guarded Crate" (1.7.1) by Bazz3l (1.55s) - GuardedCrate.cs

62 "GUIShop" (2.4.45) by Khan (4.25s) - GUIShop.cs

63 "Hammer Time" (1.0.20) by Shady (0.07s) - HammerTime.cs

64 "Helicopter Hover" (2.0.6) by 0x89A (0.42s) - HelicopterHover.cs

65 "Heli Sams" (2.1.0) by WhiteThunder & Whispers88 (12.85s) - HeliSams.cs

66 "HeliVote" (0.1.32) by k1lly0u (0.02s) - HeliVote.cs

67 "HitIcon" (2.0.1) by FastBurst (0.07s) - HitIcon.cs

68 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.29s) - ImageLibrary.cs

69 "IndividualDC" (0.1.3) by k1lly0u (0.99s) - IndividualDC.cs

70 "Instant Barrels" (1.0.3) by Mevent (0.33s) - InstantBarrels.cs

71 "Instant Buy" (1.0.3) by Jake_Rich/collect_vood/Bushhy (0.00s) - InstantBuy.cs

72 "Inventory Cleaner" (2.1.1) by Joao Pster (0.01s) - InventoryCleaner.cs

73 "Inventory Viewer" (4.0.6) by Whispers88 (0.02s) - InventoryViewer.cs

74 "Item Skin Randomizer" (1.6.2) by Mevent (1.85s) - ItemSkinRandomizer.cs

75 "Kill Records" (1.3.6) by MACHIN3 (0.87s) - KillRecords.cs

76 "Kits" (4.4.0) by k1lly0u (2.38s) - Kits.cs

77 "Lang API" (1.0.5) by Khan (0.01s) - LangAPI.cs

78 "LockOnRockets" (0.3.15) by k1lly0u (1.18s) - LockOnRockets.cs

79 "Loot Bouncer" (1.0.10) by Sorrow/Arainrr (0.62s) - LootBouncer.cs

80 "Loottable" (1.0.29) by The_Kiiiing (17.89s) - Loottable.cs

81 "Magic Airdrop Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.56s) - MagicAirdropPanel.cs

82 "Magic Cargo Ship Panel" (1.0.1) by MJSU (0.39s) - MagicCargoShipPanel.cs

83 "Magic Ch47 Panel" (1.0.1) by MJSU (0.38s) - MagicCh47Panel.cs

84 "Magic Clock Panel" (1.0.3) by MJSU (0.31s) - MagicClockPanel.cs

85 "Magic Coordinates Panel" (1.0.4) by MJSU (15.19s) - MagicCoordinatesPanel.cs

86 "Magic Crash Panel" (1.0.3) by MJSU (2.86s) - MagicCrashPanel.cs

87 "Magic Death Notes Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.01s) - MagicDeathNotesPanel.cs

88 "Magic Fps Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.19s) - MagicFpsPanel.cs

89 "Magic Grid Panel" (1.0.6) by MJSU (0.02s) - MagicGridPanel.cs

90 "Magic Heli Panel" (1.0.3) by MJSU (0.47s) - MagicHeliPanel.cs

91 "Magic Joining Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.02s) - MagicJoiningPanel.cs

92 "Magic Panel" (1.0.8) by MJSU (9.96s) - MagicPanel.cs

93 "Magic Ping Panel" (1.0.5) by MJSU (0.24s) - MagicPingPanel.cs

94 "Magic Players Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.00s) - MagicPlayersPanel.cs

95 "Magic Sleepers Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.00s) - MagicSleepersPanel.cs

96 "MapNote Teleport" (2.2.1) by MON@H (0.35s) - MapNoteTeleport.cs

97 "MinicopterCombat" (1.1.1) by Karuza & BxrFlip (5.05s) - MinicopterCombat.cs

98 "Mini-Copter Options" (2.4.0) by Pho3niX90 (1.08s) - MiniCopterOptions.cs

99 "Monuments Recycler" (0.2.6) by Dana (0.42s) - MonumentsRecycler.cs

100 "Nav Mesh Error Fix" (1.1.1) by Ryz0r (0.00s) - NavMeshErrorFix.cs

101 "Night Lantern" (2.0.99) by k1lly0u (4.51s) - NightLantern.cs

102 "No Crash Flying Vehicles" (1.0.0) by MON@H (0.97s) - NoCrashFlyingVehicles.cs

103 "No Deployable Penalty" (1.1.1) by Orange (1.60s) - NoDeployablePenalty.cs

104 "No Drone Sway" (1.0.2) by WhiteThunder (1.98s) - NoDroneSway.cs

105 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s) - NoGiveNotices.cs

106 "NPC Drop Gun" (2.0.8) by 2CHEVSKII (0.66s) - NPCDropGun.cs

107 "NPCOilRigAirDrop" (1.0.1) by bmgjet (0.00s) - NPCOilRigAirDrop.cs

108 "NpcSpawn" (2.5.5) by KpucTaJl (8.61s) - NpcSpawn.cs

109 "Offline Doors" (1.1.2) by Slydelix (0.52s) - OfflineDoors.cs

110 "Parented Entity Render Fix" (0.1.2) by WhiteThunder (4.79s) - ParentedEntityRenderFix.cs

111 "Perfect Repair" (1.1.0) by Orange (0.00s) - PerfectRepair.cs

112 "PermissionsManager" (2.0.9) by Steenamaroo (0.43s) - PermissionsManager.cs

113 "PersonalFarm" (1.0.7) by bmgjet (11.35s) - PersonalFarm.cs

114 "PlaneCrash" (0.3.7) by k1lly0u (0.31s) - PlaneCrash.cs

115 "PlayerList" (0.3.2) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.01s) - PlayerList.cs

116 "Player Rankings" (3.0.3) by Ankawi (0.08s) - PlayerRankings.cs

117 "Playtime Tracker" (0.2.2) by k1lly0u (0.30s) - PlaytimeTracker.cs

118 "Portable Vehicles" (1.1.2) by Paulsimik (0.01s) - PortableVehicles.cs

119 "Raidable Bases" (2.7.3) by nivex (35.15s) - RaidableBases.cs

120 "Raid Alerts" (1.0.2) by Ryz0r/Mevent (1.10s) - RaidAlerts.cs

121 "RaidProtection" (3.2.3) by mr01sam (10.58s) - RaidProtection.cs

122 "RandomRaids" (1.3.3) by Razor (1.25s) - RandomRaids.cs

123 "Real Time Chat" (1.0.2) by The Friendly Chap (0.00s) - RealTimeChat.cs

124 "Remover Tool" (4.3.40) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.07s) - RemoverTool.cs

125 "Reset Hostile On Death" (1.0.0) by WhiteThunder (0.00s) - ResetHostileOnDeath.cs

126 "Rust Lax" (1.0.3) by Colon Blow (0.42s) - RustLax.cs

127 "SAMSiteAuth" (2.4.3) by haggbart (1.60s) - SAMSiteAuth.cs

128 "Scraponomics Lite" (1.0.0) by haggbart (0.19s) - ScraponomicsLite.cs

129 "Security Lights" (1.1.10) by S0N_0F_BISCUIT (2.39s) - SecurityLights.cs

130 "SharedDoors" (2.0.1) by dbteku (0.14s) - SharedDoors.cs

131 "Sort Button" (2.0.2) by MON@H (0.04s) - SortButton.cs

132 "Spawn Modular Car" (5.2.2) by WhiteThunder (1.99s) - SpawnModularCar.cs

133 "StaticLootables" (2.9.0) by Raul-Sorin Sorban (0.72s) - StaticLootables.cs

134 "Super Card" (1.0.6) by Mevent#4546 (2.23s) - SuperCard.cs

135 "Targetable Drones" (1.2.0) by WhiteThunder (15.59s) - TargetableDrones.cs

136 "TC Manager" (1.0.4) by S0N_0F_BISCUIT (1.75s) - TCManager.cs

137 "Team Gather Bonus" (1.0.3) by Khan (0.01s) - TeamGatherBonus.cs

138 "Timed Execute" (0.7.4) by PaiN & misticos (1.55s) - TimedExecute.cs

139 "Tip4serv" (1.3.6) by Murgator & Duster (0.69s) - Tip4serv.cs

140 "Traffic Drivers" (1.3.4) by walkinrey (6.84s) - TrafficDrivers.cs

141 "Tree Planter" (1.2.2) by Bazz3l (0.01s) - TreePlanter.cs

142 "Turret Weapons" (1.0.1) by Iv Misticos (1.20s) - TurretWeapons.cs

143 "UAV Drone" (1.1.8) by NooBlet (3.96s) - UAVDrone.cs

144 "Underwater Vehicles" (1.4.0) by WhiteThunder (0.03s) - UnderwaterVehicles.cs

145 "Vanish" (1.8.0) by Whispers88 (0.21s) - Vanish.cs

146 "VehicleAirdrops" (1.0.13) by Nikedemos (3.15s) - VehicleAirdrops.cs

147 "Vehicle Decay Protection" (2.3.1) by WhiteThunder (1.74s) - VehicleDecayProtection.cs

148 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.9.1) by WhiteThunder (1.68s) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs

149 "Vehicle Storage" (3.3.4) by WhiteThunder (2.13s) - VehicleStorage.cs

150 "Vending In Stock" (1.1.0) by AVOcoder / rostov114 (0.00s) - VendingInStock.cs

151 "Water Catcher Boost" (1.0.3) by Substrata (0.03s) - WaterCatcherBoost.cs

152 "Weapon Changer" (1.0.4) by DezLife (1.07s) - WeaponChanger.cs

153 "Weapon Damage Scaler" (1.1.6) by Shady (9.05s) - WeaponDamageScaler.cs

154 "Weather Events" (1.4.0) by OuTSMoKE, Rick (0.21s) - WeatherEvents.cs

155 "Whoa Boy" (1.1.0) by Clearshot (0.00s) - WhoaBoy.cs

156 "XSkinMenu" (1.2.3) by Monster (5.47s) - XSkinMenu.cs

157 "Lighthouse Beacon" (1.0.3) by S0N_0F_BISCUIT (0.84s) - LighthouseBeacon.cs



What about the other drone identifiers ..... what are they ....   you mentiond that it starts with uav



all drones being used start with UAV - the only difference would the the turrets on the drones


Drone: UAVDH1
Turret: DHT1



all drones with the UAV will be removed by the plugin ... thats the problem ..... ill figure something out to separated those plugins



wait though! all the UAV tags seem to stay in the computer stations...half of the time? 

it only happpens when that error does...and thats not every use. I wish i could help you more




is it something to do with the "remote" access station adding and unadding the id's?



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