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Loot Bug with Lockers?

Pending 2.7.3

Good evening nivex,


I've one questions regarding the loot in your plugin.  We've always one locker were we have a lot of loot inside.  in the crates we've also 1-3 loot items.

The loot should be divided between all crates, lockers and so on. I've set the following command to true:

 "Divide Loot Into All Containers": true,


Is there a way to fix that. We have used custom loot and if the players will get that locker then they will probably stop the raid and have easy profit.

Thanks in advance!






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So, then we've to remove the lockers? Ok, but why is most of the loot in the locker and not just a few items that go in as in the normal crates?
Currently, all the loot that goes into the locker is in the lockers and all the items that don't go into the locker are divided between the remaining boxes.
Is there a way to fix that, because every normal base has lockers and with the lockers we can make the raidable bases as realistic as possible. There are no normal player bases without lockers, everybody uses them.

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it is realistic. lockers are specially coded to self equip with kits. kits is what you would typically find in a locker.

I can make it divide but I don't see the point. if lockers are to hold kits then those kits shouldn't be in boxes.

that's the logic anyway. spreading the loot out into multiple boxes is ideal but takes away from that realism

I can add it I'd you want


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