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Friends stuck 1197/1211 spawning world

Closed 1.1.0

I am trying to load up this custom map on my server but for some odd reason some of my friends can join and others cannot.

I am using dropbox as the place to upload the file and I have properly changed the dl=0 to dl=1. Some of my friends are getting stuck at 1197/1211 . It just sits at 1197/1211 spawning world.

I think it has something to do with my map share URL from dropbox. It appears in the last 2 weeks dropbox has changed their URL sceam according to this link --> https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Create-upload-and-share/Shared-Link-quot-scl-quot-to-quot-s-quot/td-p/689070 When I upload the map to dropbox and create a link it's no longer /s/ it's now showing /scl/fi/ within the URL. It's just so odd some of my friends can join but others can't.

The friends that can't connect have gone through the standard steps of: Verify game files > Restarting Steam, Restarting computer. One friend even completely reinstalled the game and still no luck. So I am posting here to see if maybe I am missing something. Any help will be greatly appreciated thank you..

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This may be an issue server side or with the link. Unfortunately I cannot say for sure as I cannot see exactly what’s going on. Maybe try resave the file in Dropbox, to make a new link, and make sure to change the 0 at the end to 1, and wipe the server and see.

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The provided link is correct, including the "dl=1" at the end. I have attempted various methods to resolve the issue. Interestingly, I even uploaded the map to my personal web server, but unfortunately, players are still unable to join.

Based on my troubleshooting efforts, it doesn't appear to be a server-side problem. I have two servers running simultaneously, each with a different custom map. Players can successfully join the server with a different custom map, but they encounter difficulties when attempting to connect to the one with your snowflake map.

It seems that all players are encountering a recurring issue: they get stuck at 1197/1211 Spawning World. This may indicate an underlying problem with the map itself. It's worth noting that your map hasn't been updated since May.

Is it possible that the map is outdated? There could be a scenario where a prefab was either removed or modified since May, leading to incompatibility issues.

Please let me know if there is any additional information you require to further investigate this matter. If you would like, You can join my server with the snowflake map installed.

You're also more than welcome to spin up your own server real quick to see if I can join it. That would be good troubleshooting step to see if the issue is your map or my server setup.

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I am going to check the map is up to date, this might be due to all the updates. I am sorry. Will have it for you by the end of the weekend. Hopefully that will fix the problem


Edited by MonsterMikki

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