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OIL RIG profile gone?

Pending 1.2.0



Hello - so i just got this on the server, turned autospawn true with 5 mobs for dome - worked perfectly - then went to oil rig , did same thing and nothing happened. I messed around with some respawn timers and what not to try to figure it out, nothing. So i reloaded the plugin and now Oil Rig is flat out not even a default profile lol. What should i do here?

  • Administrator


The OIlRig is the odd one out as it doesn't have navmesh to support moving npcs from BotReSpawn.
That particular monument profile is only useful if you intend to add custom spawnpoint npcs with stationary true.

I only added it in recently because its presence saves users who want to do that from having to make a custom profile and re-do their spawnpoints after every wipe.


By default "Allow_Oilrigs": is set to false, so the OilRigs shouldn't show up as a profile at all.
I guess you set that true, in your test, then false again at some point?



Gotcha - was curious because no vanilla npcs were spawning on it so i thought maybe this was overriding that, havent found out whats causing vanilla mobs to not spawn on it yet. But i dove into the weeds and found that stationary was the dependency for this to work. Thank you for your response, happily bought this , making my life SO much easier. Question though - do flash bangs/ molotovs etc count as weapons? I had a flamethrower mob with a flash bang throw the flashbang, but the mob with ONLY the flashbang refused to throw it. 

  • Administrator


My pleasure.
No, just to confirm, BotReSpawn doesn't affect or interfere with vanilla npcs, or npcs from any other plugins. 👍

All the throwables can be used...grenades, satchels, molotovs, flashbangs, but the npc must have a main weapon.
The throwables are considered secondary so you'll have to give the npcs at least one gun, or melee weapon.

Melee + throwables isn't really a great combination because npcs won't throw things at very close range (because it would kill them too) and
all melee-only npcs do is try get to get close enough to slash you,
so throwables with a gun/guns makes the most sense.



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