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console message replace

Closed 2.0.7 2.2.71

hello, can you translate all message into english?
some message in server console is russian and some is english.

can you just replace all of them into english or make a setting to choose all english or all russian?

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Oh, I'm very sorry that this happened, apparently I made a mistake when localizing!

Tell me what messages in Russian you get in the console - I'll fix it

Sorry again if this caused you any inconvenience.

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these message showing when reload plugin

Unloaded plugin IQCases v2.0.7 by Mercury
[IQCases] Генерируем интерфейс, ожидайте ~10-15 секунд!
[IQCases] Loaded 4 cases
Loaded plugin IQCases v2.0.7 by Mercury
[IQCases] Интерфейс успешно загружен!

another russian message showing when new player join getting free cases(and it showing as Error level also weird).
[Error][IQCases] Игроку 76561198282354450 выдан кейс free_case

and I found a bug, if I set

  "Setting the starting number of cases for the player": [
      "Case key to issue (from the list of your cases)": "free_case",
      "Permissions for obtaining cases (it will work if the player receives these rights or enters the server with them) (leave blank - will be available to everyone)": "",
      "Number of cases to issue": 0
      "Case key to issue (from the list of your cases)": "raiders_case",
      "Permissions for obtaining cases (it will work if the player receives these rights or enters the server with them) (leave blank - will be available to everyone)": "iqcases.raider",
      "Number of cases to issue": 0

new player still getting free_case even it set to 0.

Edited by Colors

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No no, you already provided all the information I needed, thank you!

I will release an update with these adjustments soon

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