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Oxide not working

Can't Reproduce 3.2.0


With Oxide the base is protected but I can destroy the doors. Also the protected Icon don't show. Walls don't take damage

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What is your opinion? should I rather run oxide while carbon is still new?

or stay on carbon...


Thanks I will be going to bed

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Okay, so just to be clear, by default Owners of a base are allowed to do damage to their own base. This means if you attack your own structure it won't show an indicator or protect the target.

If you want authorized players to not be able to damage their own structures then under "Protected From" you need to set "Authorized Players" to true. 

Let me know if this solves your issue.




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But i was admin...admin gets removed from the auth list once I de-auth

"Admin owners removed when deauthorized": true,

and this worked previously...telling me I'm not part of the TC list AND I was NOT able to damage the walls...just the sheet metal door. Something weird with the oxide instance.

Thanks, man, don't forget this is an awesome plugin!! I base my server on this plugin...protection against offlines!!

Edited by TheHobo
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Hmmm perhaps it's possible that it's conflicting with another plugin. Would you be able to post a list of plugins you have?

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Ok I removed all except 01, 02 and 03 in my list above and I can see the Tab now BUT with only these 3 I can still blow the door off and NOT damage the walls...

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So far I am unable to reproduce this issue, and I haven't received any reports similar to this yet. I'm really not sure what the cause here is, you mentioned that you are running Carbon, which I have not tested this plugin with. I would think it should run just fine with Carbon (considering it should be backwards compatible with oxide plugins) though I am not an expert by any stretch in that regard.

From everything you described, it sounds like either something is incompatible or not updated properly. I don't see any plugins from your image that I would think would conflict with Raid Protection, and you also said that you tried it with only the 3 necessary plugins and still had issues, so I think we can rule out plugin conflicts. So that leads me to believe its either a Carbon issue or you have some lingering data/map specific issue.

Feel free to join the discord listed in the plugin description and message me there. If so, we can maybe hop on a screen share to see what's going on.

I'm going to mark this as "Can't Reproduce" for now, I'll open it back up if it seems to be a widespread issue for others. I wish I could help you more, but I can't fix it if I can't reproduce it 🙁. If you happen to narrow down a root cause, please definitely let me know!

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