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Suggestion and possible bug

Closed 1.2.1 1.2.4


Posted (edited)

I didn't want to clutter Discord with this because there's no dedicated support channel there.

Some suggestions:
If a player meets the requirements to unlock a monument, but already has another monument locked, that other monument automatically unlocks.
If a player loots, swipes or kills outside of a monument they locked, they lose the monument lock.
Make the appearance of the dome over the monuments optional.

Possible bug: You stated in Discord that events should disable the plugin. I tested this with the Harbor Event plugin and I was able to become the owner of the Harbor while the Harbor Event was active.

Edited by BetterDeadThanZed

Posted (edited)

It seems that the relationship between events and this plugin might not be working right. I've tested this with the Power Plant event and the Harbor event. At first, I was able to become owner of the Power Plant event and when I tried to become owner of the monument, it said I already owned a monument. I ended the Power Plant event and reloaded this plugin. I started the Harbor event and killed some NPC's and the bradley but never got the notice that I was the owner of the event. I was able to become the owner of the monument after that.

Also, Sewer Branch isn't covered by this plugin. Is that intentional?

Edited by BetterDeadThanZed


Did more testing, this time with the Junkyard event and Harbor event.

While I was the owner of the Harbor, I killed NPC's and Brad and didn't become the owner of the Harbor Event.

I went to the junkyard and killed some NPCs at the Junkyard event. It said I couldn't become the owner because I already was the owner of a monument. When the timer for the Harbor owner expired, I killed some NPC's from the Junkyard and I became the owner of that event. I then fulfilled the requirements to be the Junkyard monument event and I was able to be the owner of that too. So, I am able to be both the owner of the event and the monument. 

I hope all of this is helpful and I'm not misunderstanding all of this. 



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.2.4



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