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Electrician Skill maxlvl 0, But Still Affecting IOEntities

Closed 1.7.5 1.7.6


When I asked on the discussion page, you said setting maxlvl to 0 would disable that skill, but it's not. Am I missing something?

On our servers we use a different plugin to handle all IOEntitiy power sources. Even with Electrician skill maxlvl set to 0 in config, the plugin is still affecting the IOEntities such as Batteries etc. We don't want this plugin to change any power source properties at all. It doesn't appear that there are any checks in Oxide hooks "OnInputUpdate", "OnOutputUpdate", "OnSolarPanelSunUpdate" and "OnEntitySpawned", or your methods "LoadElectricianEntities", "CheckElectricianEntities"  to prevent IOEntities from being updated/changed, even if the Electrician skill maxlvl is set to 0. Having said that, it would be a lot of unnecessary calls to hooks we are not using for anything.

Since it doesn't look like those hooks are being used for anything else other than the Electrician skill, it would be nice if the plugin unsubscribed from them on load if (config.electrician.maxlvl <= 0). In fact, any skill where maxlvl is set to 0 it would be great if there was a check or the hooks unsubscribed from if not being used for anything else. Is this something you will consider at all?

Edited by ZEODE

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