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Turning off the plugin during arena events

Closed 1.7.4

I run some arena events that my players can take part in.
The problem is the players with higher levels have an advantage as Xperience plugin gives them health boost or dodge effects during the PVP arena events

I use Zone Manager to set up the arenas. Is there a way I can set up a flag or trigger that will temporarily turn off the Xperience buffs so the battle is more fair for everyone in the event?

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Hey.. I'm back. Sorry about this. I'm a noob when it comes to JSON. I know the bare basics...
How do I add multiple zones?

I managed to get 1 zone to work. But how do I add more? I keep getting syntax errors. Google isn't really helping either
What's the best way to "list" the zones that need to be exempt?



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