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Doors and tcs dont destroy

Closed 2.0.3 2.0.5

Dead Nasty
Dead Nasty


Sometimes players when raiding the abandoned bases the tc's and doors become indestructible and hinders the raid. any fixes? also running raidable bases along side.  



hi. some things that can cause this are:

1. Block Damage From Outside To Base would block the damage if the player is too far away,
2. plugins that protect bases/buildings can block damage as most do not have support for other plugins,
3. configuring Ignored Prefabs with any entity would cause it to be bypassed and use TruePVE rules which by default would block it,
4. having the base inside of a zone manager zone, even with no flags set,
5. changing the Owner ID to 1337422 would block damage in most cases.

otherwise you'd have to figure out which plugin it is

Dead Nasty


its only doors with the rustoria skin



which skin would that be? you could just search for it in your plugins and find which plugin is blocking it.

Dead Nasty

Posted (edited)

thanks. Much appreciated. when players try to make their base raidable it kicks everyone on the server for packet flooding ticket.  any ideas for that one lol? 

Edited by Dead Nasty


there's currently issues with large bases in the current version that may cause players to be kicked. these performance issues are addressed in the next update.

if this is happening with small bases then it is your host to blame.

Dead Nasty


might be the base. tho unsure cause i have made some pretty big bases raidable manually myself. but hopefully like you said the next update will fix the issue. I appreciate you. 



ya ill try to have it out asap but i'm having issues with getting people to use my test version, and those that have said it isn't working atm so i have to figure out why =p

Dead Nasty


thank you. also have heard this upcoming wipe is gonna break a lot of plugins as well. you do good work like raidable bases and this. cant wait for the update. if you need someone to test plugins as well im ur man lol



lol alright ill keep that in mind thanks



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to Next Version



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