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Stationary Not Working

Pending 2.1.6


Posted (edited)

I have a single bot attempting to spawn inside a prefab building (bank), with Stationary set to true, but he won't spawn there.  I've set the Radius to 1 and that didn't work.  I set it to 5 and he spawned outside the building.  The error I get is "Can't get spawn point at bla bla bla.  Skipping one npc."

I've read several of your replies to others regarding something similar which is always "Set stationary to True and it won't matter", which is what I've done, yet I still get that error message.  What gives?


I tested it on the actual ground and he spawned (peaceful = true), but when I threw a rock at him, he shot me and I ran away and he returned to peaceful again BUT then he started walking around... even though he was Stationary True.  Small bug, but still..............

Edited by mcoulter876
Tried something else
  • Administrator


To use stationary you have to enable UseCustomSpawns and give the npc a custom spawn point with the chat commands.

Your description sounds like UseCustomSpawns is false, or you don't have any custom spawnpoints for the npc.


Posted (edited)

9 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

To use stationary you have to enable UseCustomSpawns and give the npc a custom spawn point with the chat commands.

Your description sounds like UseCustomSpawns is false, or you don't have any custom spawnpoints for the npc.

I set the UseCustomSpawns to True to see if that would do anything and I get the error:
"[BotSpawn] There are not enough spawn points for population at profile - bankguard2. Reducing population".
It spits that error out twice in a row and then doesn't anymore, but still no bot.

Edited by mcoulter876


Here is my config:

  "DataProfiles": {
    "banktest": {
      "AutoSpawn": true,
      "Murderer": false,
      "Respawn_Timer": 60,
      "BotNames": [
      "BotNamePrefix": "",
      "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
      "Kit": ["bank"],
      "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 1,
      "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 1,
      "Radius": 1,
      "Roam_Range": 1,
      "Chute": false,
      "Stationary": true,
      "UseCustomSpawns": true,
      "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false,
      "Announce_Spawn": false,
      "Announcement_Text": "",
      "BotHealth": 100,
      "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 40,
      "Bot_Damage_Percent": 40,
      "Aggro_Range": 30,
      "DeAggro_Range": 40,
      "Peace_Keeper": true,
      "Peace_Keeper_Cool_Down": 5,
      "Attacks_Other_Profiles": false,
      "Suicide_Timer": 300,
      "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false,
      "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [],
      "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 0,
      "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50,
      "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
      "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100,
      "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100,
      "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100,
      "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0,
      "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "",
      "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 600,
      "Disable_Radio": true,
      "Running_Speed_Boost": 0.0,
      "AlwaysUseLights": false,
      "Corpse_Duration": 60,
      "Location": {
        "x": -161.809631,
        "y": 7.34275055,
        "z": -200.847977
      "ServerRewardsValue": 0,
      "Parent_Monument": ""
  "MigrationDataDoNotEdit": {
    "banktest": {
      "ParentMonument": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
      "Offset": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0



Can you please tell me what's wrong with the config?

  • Administrator


As I say, UseCustomSpawns has to be true, which it now is, and you have to use the chat commands to add spawn points for the npcs.

Go to the location you want the npc to spawn and do

/botspawn edit banktest
/botspawn addspawn


then reload BotSpawn and your npc should spawn right there. 


Posted (edited)

6 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

As I say, UseCustomSpawns has to be true, which it now is, and you have to use the chat commands to add spawn points for the npcs.

Go to the location you want the npc to spawn and do

/botspawn edit banktest
/botspawn addspawn


then reload BotSpawn and your npc should spawn right there. 

That worked, though I'm not sure why I had to use the 'addspawn' command.  I thought it included it when I created the spawn point to begin with.  It shows the location in the config and the config file before I used the 'addspawn' command and after never changed, so I guess I don't understand why it doesn't just save the spawn point when I create the custom profile.  I mean, I was standing in the spot I wanted the bot to appear when I used the 'add' command.  Why isn't that all I needed to do when it comes to where he spawns?

I do appreciate the help.

Edited by mcoulter876

Posted (edited)

43 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

As I say, UseCustomSpawns has to be true, which it now is, and you have to use the chat commands to add spawn points for the npcs.

Go to the location you want the npc to spawn and do

/botspawn edit banktest
/botspawn addspawn


then reload BotSpawn and your npc should spawn right there. 

So, I made the changes and the single bot spawned in.  Am I to understand that I can make a custom profile and continue adding as many bots using the 'addspawn' command as I want?  Because I did that and only 1 bot is showing up, even though I added 8 bots to the custom profile using the 'addspawn' command.

Apparently, I need to perform the following procedure for each SINGLE bot I want to spawn, because that's the only thing that's worked:
1.  /botspawn add NAMEHERE
2. /botspawn addspawn

Edited by mcoulter876


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