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Not attacking player

Pending 1.1.7

I know you get these requests all the time, but I can't seem to determine what issues are causing this.


I know my dumbass probably changed a setting on accident, because initially, things were working just fine.

Attack each other just fine [faction control], attacked me fine at first, then I made a few custom profiles and must have fucked something up.

Now they don't do anything towards the player, even when attacking [not peacekeeper].

Here's my settings; thanks in advance.





CUSTOM PROFILE SETTINGS: [just one example, this issue applies to default profiles, and seemingly all profiles]




raidable bases
furnace splitter
image library
no give notices
better loot
info panel
admin panel
better chat
zone manager
sign artist
no decay
advert messages
vehicle decay protection
loading messages
GUI shop
anti offline raid
playtime tracker
no green admin names
server armour
extended recyclers
human npc
vehicle locks
bradley guards
quick sort
weapon names
event manager
chopper survival EVENT
custom spawn points
custom resource spawns
custom animal spawns
deathmatch EVENT
stats EVENTs
static lootables
permissions manager
stations [codefling]
personal slot machine [codefling]
chest stacks [codefling]
poker tables [codefling]
ruster net [codefling]
ATM [codefling]
welcome panel [codefling]
phone core [codefling]
botrespawn [codefling]


sorry about the long list of mods, but I did want to add that I don't think it's vanish, or rather, I am making sure that I am not vanished when testing.

Edited by mellow.
missed info

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Are you testing as a fresh-spawned player with only rock and torch?
If so they could be ignoring you because Target_Noobs is false.

If that's the case simple craft/spawn/pick up some tool or weapon, and you'll lose your noob status. NPCs should start attacking you as normal then.

Might also be worth making sure you, and the npcs, aren't in a safe zone, as Respect_Safe_Zones is set to true.

I'm not sure if Vanish works with BotReSpawn npcs or not but you might want to make sure you aren't vanished, just to rule it out.

If those don't fix it please just let me know - We'll get it sorted.
FYI, the faction settings only govern how BotReSpawn profiles interact with each other. It wont affect how they interact with real players.


Edited by Steenamaroo

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Target_Noob bool was the issue.

While I am here, not sure if there is a setting already, but I did notice while testing that Target_Noob = false has the effect of nakeds being able to kill any NPC without risk. [ at least this is what it seems like initially, i have not tested that further and i am sure you would probably know if it's the case or not ]\

either or, thanks for the assistance!

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Glad it was something simple. 👍

That shouldn't be the case  - The Target_Noobs setting works off the vanilla sash system so as soon as you pick up or craft a tool or weapon you lose that status and the npcs should start responding to you.

If you're finding newly spawned players are able to kill npcs with their rock/torch without repercussion that might be possible.
I'd have to check but if it is possible I'll fix that in the next update.

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Yes, I think that you know what I am saying.



Although tedious, it's entirely plausible that a naked could murder an army of M2 full-metals with a rock and torch.

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Ha! Ok, good to know.
That's an oversight on my part but very easy to fix. I'll get it done later and it'll be in the next update which, to be honest, is getting overdue!

Thank you. 👍

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Marking this as fixed in next update.
Confirmed - Attacking an npc with your rock as a noob does mark you hostile (vanilla mechanic) but BotReSpawn continues to make the npc ignore you if Target_Noobs is false.
I've fixed that now so the player will retain their noob status but the NPC will defend himself.
Thanks again!

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