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Force broke it again

Closed 6.0.3



Looks like forcewipe brok the toolset again

[TactiDllPluginLoader]: Loading /home/container/oxide/plugins/IMRGAntiTerrainDeath.dll...
[TactiDllPluginLoader]: Verifying Core...
IMR .dll Verification failed. Please install the newest version of the IMR Tools Package and the newest version of IMRGAntiTerrainDeath.
If you are still having trouble after that feel free to contact IMR Games (by creating a Suppport Request) on the website you bought this plugin from.
Please be sure to supply the below information should contacting IMR Games be necessary:
System.Exception: Verify Core TactiToolsCore ---> Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.DllVerifyException: Member Reference Add (RID: 972) in [Unknown Parent] not found
string Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiElementContainer.Add(Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiPanel,string,string)
  at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssemblyInternal (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath) [0x00200] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0 
  at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.<VerifyCore>g__Verify|5_0 (System.String name) [0x00066] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.<VerifyCore>g__Verify|5_0 (System.String name) [0x00084] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0 
  at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyCore () [0x00014] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0 
  at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath, System.String plName) [0x00007] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0 
Could not load plugin IMRGAntiTerrainDeath (Exception: .dll Verification Failed. Please see line above plugin initialize message)
  at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath, System.String plName) [0x00071] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.TactiDllPluginLoader.GetPlugin (System.String filename) [0x00066] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0 
TTTimeWarning TTDictionaryMemSync.Execute() TOOK 0.0092 MS


Rust Admin

Posted (edited)

Same issue....the whole framework is broken again.  I truly hope it doesnt take two days to fix again. thanks


[TactiDllPluginLoader]: Loading /home/rustserver/serverfiles/oxide/plugins/IMRGEntityControl.dll...

(15:15:44) | [TactiDllPluginLoader]: Verifying Core...

(15:15:44) | IMR .dll Verification failed. Please install the newest version of the IMR Tools Package and the newest version of IMRGEntityControl.

If you are still having trouble after that feel free to contact IMR Games (by creating a Suppport Request) on the website you bought this plugin from.

Please be sure to supply the below information should contacting IMR Games be necessary:


System.Exception: Verify Core TactiToolsCore ---> Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.DllVerifyException: Member Reference Add (RID: 972) in [Unknown Parent] not found

string Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiElementContainer.Add(Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui.CuiPanel,string,string)

at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssemblyInternal (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath) [0x00200] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0

at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.<VerifyCore>g__Verify|5_0 (System.String name) [0x00066] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.<VerifyCore>g__Verify|5_0 (System.String name) [0x00084] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0

at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyCore () [0x00014] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0

at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath, System.String plName) [0x00007] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0

(15:15:44) | Could not load plugin IMRGEntityControl (Exception: .dll Verification Failed. Please see line above plugin initialize message)

at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath, System.String plName) [0x00071] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0

at Oxide.Core.Plugins.TactiDllPluginLoader.GetPlugin (System.String filename) [0x00066] in <e6bbb30db9e34d2d86b76f76b745a156>:0

Edited by Rust Admin


Same here.

I just hope this does not happen often.

It's cumbersome to ask the server host to install this over and over.

Rust Admin


Unfortunately the last three wipes this entire platform was broken.

I depend greatly on entity limits for my build servers and sadly have had issues every wipe with this platform resulting in a lot of headache.

I will need to move on and find something more reliable and has attentive developers.  It's sad when free plugins have more response to issues at wipe than paid ones.

IMR Games


Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Rust Admin


Can we just re-open this support ticket?  IMR platform is broken again this wipe!

IMR Games

Posted (edited)

Fixed @Rust Admin as like last time please make sure to allow a few minutes for codefling to regonize I uploaded a new version.

Edited by IMR Games


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