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Closed 1.0.3


In what way are the magazines not being recognized if I can ask? Are other custom items showing up?

Just a little more context if you would please @Raylin it should accept the extended magazine and custom skin ID but if something isn't working we should be able to sort it out one way or another, surely.

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they show up in loot crates like there supose to i was hoping that you could add the api so that your magazines would show up and work with the loottable and stack size gui they mentioned it was possible once the api is setup its fine either way its just really easy to adjust where and when items drop with that addon it currently works with other addons like static lootables for example its more of a convient feature vs going in and changing your json if thats not to much trouble all in all i love the magazines either way.

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In what way are they not working with that plugin that you're aware of?

Have you been speaking to the dev about this already? You could have them reach out to myself on Discord Jbird#1983 and I'll see what it is we are after. We have a few patches for plugins in the Discord but if there is something that can be done I'm sure the devs either way would be willing to make it happen.

Thank you for the feedback and suggestion. Keep me posted and I'm sure we can get this working smoothly, shouldn't be a problem.

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