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Closed 1.1.1 1.1.1



My timezone is GMT+7, so what number I can put in this line:

"Timezone(Difference between UTC and your time)": 60

My server is PVP and does not have TruePVE, Zonemanager, and Raidables base. Do I have to keep the configuration like this :

  "[RaidableBases] Allow raiding RB bases in SafeTime": true,
  "[TruePVE] Safe Time RuleSet": "default",
  "[TruePVE] Raid Time RuleSet": "default",
  "[ZoneManager] The plugin will work on entities in the zones": "DISABLED",
  "[ZoneManager] Zone ID List": [],


or just delete it?

Thank you

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This is my configuration:{
  "Command for open Raid Time Managment UI": "rtm",
  "Timezone(Difference between UTC and your time)": 420,
  "Time format for UI(True - 24H format, False - 12H format)": false,
  "Display UI": true,
  "Enable Alerts": true,
  "Allow players to close the UI": true,
  "[RaidableBases] Allow raiding RB bases in SafeTime": true,
  "[TruePVE] Safe Time RuleSet": "default",
  "[TruePVE] Raid Time RuleSet": "default",
  "[ZoneManager] The plugin will work on entities in the zones": "DISABLED",
  "[ZoneManager] Zone ID List": [],
  "UI Position": "UPPER_LEFT",
  "Block only offline raids": false,
  "Add safe days after wipe": 1,
  "Forbidden actions during the blocking of the raid": {
    "Default Raid By Player": true,
    "Damage Own Buildings": false,
    "Raid By Patrol Helicopter": true,
    "Raid By MLRS": true,
    "Using Ladders In Building Block": true,
    "Damage By Fire": true,
    "Build Ceiling In Building Block": true,
    "Build Turrets In 2x Building Block Radius": true,
    "Break down twig buildings": false
  "List of prefabs that can always be damaged": [],
  "Manage raids by day of the week (Used by default)": {
    "Monday": [
        "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 19,
        "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 30,
        "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 22,
        "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 30
    "Tuesday": [
        "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 19,
        "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 30,
        "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 22,
        "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 30
    "Wednesday": [
        "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 19,
        "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 30,
        "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 22,
        "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 30
    "Thursday": [
        "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 19,
        "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 30,
        "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 22,
        "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 30
    "Friday": [
        "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 19,
        "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 30,
        "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 22,
        "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 30
    "Saturday": [
        "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 19,
        "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 30,
        "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 22,
        "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 30
    "Sunday": [
        "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 8,
        "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0,
        "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 22,
        "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0
  "Raid management for specific days(Takes precedence over raid management by day of the week)": {}

However, I am still able to raid bases during the stop-raid hours. can you help me to clarify it.

Thank you,


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