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Destruction Derby

Closed 1.0.6

Players are having issues with the destruction derby saying there is a place for a fuse and card swipe but nothing is working. I have the racetrack plugin installed so I'm not sure if I'm missing something there but the card swipe is not lighting up with what color card is needed and I'm not able to find anything to help them. I have pretty much all the program requirements on the server so I'm lost. 

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I host on GameServer Kings and their mod manager page allowed me to install it. I'm unable to install it directly myself so I can't validate but then I get console outputs such as this so I can only assume it's installed. 


(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - Successfully connected 755 IO links

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - Generating 2 APC paths from map file

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - 2 APC patrol paths successfully processed!

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - Processing 16 VendingMachines from map file

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - 16 VendingMachines successfully processed!

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - 3620 loot containers processed!

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - Created 33 keycard desk respawners

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - 1128 resource entities processed!

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - 151 junkpiles processed!

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - Added 10 vehicle spawn handlers!

(00:14:31) | [RustEdit] - Created 207 NPC spawn handlers!

(00:14:34) | [RustEdit] - BradleyAPC Spawned at :(-91.4, 2.8, -207.7)

(00:14:34) | [RustEdit] - BradleyAPC Spawned at :(-761.6, 5.0, -746.8)

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It's working if the console shows rust edit load all those things.

One of my test servers is gameserver kings. The UK6K map was mostly tested on that server throughout its development.

I'm not sure what the issue is tbh. Can you give me your server ip and i will come see this mystery fuse/card reader 😄

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