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ownership option

Pending 1.0.9



hi, is possible to set up ownership of boss for player who did damage first - like its with events?

Now player who did the most damage will take a loot, but I wanna to give player who shot first onwership and release it after x seconds of inactivity. is it possible? thanks a lot



Yes this is actually in fact already possible with the PveMode plugin addition.

It will lock the Boss who does the most damage quickly enough, with your parameters, and it locks to that player for a certain time. It is almost exactly as you explained it.

It works with several event plugins as well.




I have PVE plugin, but dont see it at config



this is only option I have there:

  "Use the PVE mode of the plugin? (only for users PveMode plugin)": true,

and its true and it doesnt work. still it depends on dmg done thanks a lot



I just need to lock boss to the player once he does dmg first. I dont see any setup options at config like its at events config



The config is in each event that uses it.
Which events do you use have that use PveMode?

Enabled PveMode with BossMonster this is actually automatic. This should already be happening. There is a threshold though and that is the only part I do not remember. But you can lock the boss loot to whomever does more damage throughout the fight.



How can I enable PVEmode for BossMonster? see my config attached. usually at events I have this:

   "Do you create a PVP zone in the event area? (only for users TruePVE plugin) [true/false]": false,

  "PVE Mode Setting (only for users PveMode plugin)": {

    "Use the PVE mode of the plugin? [true/false]": true,

    "The amount of damage that the player has to do to become the Event Owner": 5.0,

    "Damage coefficients for calculate to become the Event Owner": [


        "Type of target": "NPC",

        "Damage Multiplier": 1.0



        "Type of target": "Bradley",

        "Damage Multiplier": 2.0



    "Can the non-owner of the event loot the crates? [true/false]": false,

    "Can the non-owner of the event hack locked crates? [true/false]": false,

    "Can the non-owner of the event loot NPC corpses? [true/false]": false,

    "Can the non-owner of the event deal damage to the NPC? [true/false]": false,

    "Can the non-owner of the event do damage to Bradley? [true/false]": false,

    "Can an Npc attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false,

    "Can Bradley attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": false,

    "Allow the non-owner of the event to enter the event zone? [true/false]": true,

    "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone? [true/false]": true,

    "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone [sec.]": 300,

    "The time until the end of Event Owner status when it is necessary to warn the player [sec.]": 60,

    "Prevent the actions of the RestoreUponDeath plugin in the event zone? [true/false]": true,

    "The time that the player can`t become the Event Owner, after the end of the event and the player was its owner [sec.]": 100.0,

    "Darkening the dome (0 - disables the dome)": 0



thanks for help




I just want to set up, that player who will hit the boss first will be an owner. So other ppl cant do more dmg and take loot. thanks a lot



I will discuss this with the developer as a potential option but currently it is set so that the most damage will lock the loot.

Thank you for the suggestion and stay tuned while it's considered.



Any progress on this idea? It's extremely necessary because many players don't know how to respect bosses initiated by others and end up delivering the final blow and claiming the boss for themselves.



The PveMode plugin allows the boss to be locked to the player or team who does the most damage. This also adds similar functionality to many of the other plugins in our library. BetterNpc for example acts similarly and the NPCs cannot be looted if someone did more damage. It gives many options within configs for the many event plugins in the library as well. You can look into this plugin @VSM and it will address your concern.



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