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Update checker

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hi,  so quick run down,  i notcied i had another plugin called Update checker installed, Im pretty sure I use to use your version "Updates checker" but the imagae you see below is what is spamming in my server start up window, I removed the other version "Update checker" and now tried using your version which is the version i wnated to use and didnt relaise I was using the other.  I am goign to message the other plugin creator but I was hoping you knew anything about the image below and why i would keep spamming in my server start bat window.

i only noticed it doing it today and becasue its in Red, That ususally means soemthign is wrong with server and needs fixing but  all my config files are valid and no errors, My interval is set to 60 minutes,  Im not sure why it keeps showing this at every 30 secondsimage.png.cba0087e2b1b1ab1e9b1a677e1ae7ee3.png

  • Administrator


You're quite right - My plugin is UpdatesChecker, with the s.
It only checks for Codefling updates - Not other sites.

The other plugin, Update Checker, is by tofurahie and checks multiple sites.
I'm afraid I don't know anything about it, beyond that.
I'm sure the developer would be grateful to hear details of the issue, though. 👍

One Shot


ok thanks, I couldnt find a support  page on his plugin, I think i may of emailed the orange website that the plugin is hosted on, Do you know a way i can make sure i can message hi mdirectly.

I also am trying to do a game and oxoide update just to make sure there is nothing outdated ive missed and casuing a issue, really strange issue though

  • Administrator


Is this not it?

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this version is yours, Which im using now.
the version I was using was from the orange website ( rust.workshop), im not sure if its made by the same guy you mentioned.

I have seemed to have fixed the issue I posted though, did  Oxide and game update later on after I messaged youand my issue seems to of gone away, I also was havingrandom server crashes abd that seems to have stopped to.

thanks for yourreply and if i have wasted any of your time, I was jus tconfused and wasnt sure what was happening

  • Administrator


It's no trouble.
The one from Orange' site is a different plugin again, as far as I know.

I don't really know anything about these plugins, except my own, but I don't mind messages and I'm glad to hear you got the problem solved. 👍

One Shot


yeah, I jus tsaw an issue on my end with update checker and thought best to ask, I was sure I was using yours but realsied after I wasnt, but I thought maybe there was like 1% chnace you may use same code orsoemthign and would have a rough idea on the issue i posted.

Thanks again but as i mentioend seemed to be issue with iether oxide or game update, not sure why it made a difference though as from what i can tell there was no game update since the forced wipe  from facepunch and the oxide version i had im pretty sure was the same but atleast i got it fixed.

i guess there would be no chnace with your version you could update it to include all the other sites and not just codeflng? I think I would prefer to keep with your version but i do like the idea of the other plugin checking the other sites.

  • Administrator


I appreciate that but no, I won't be expanding mine to cover other sites.
Your best bet would be to use this one - https://codefling.com/plugins/update-checker

Although it's not by me, it is on Codefling site, so if there ever was a major problem with it staff would be on-hand to ensure the developer gets it fixed up.

To be honest, the release of the linked file pretty much makes mine redundant. 😂




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