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Entity count for players not registering properly

Closed 1.4.4 1.5.0

In the past I have had issues with players stating their entity counts were off when typing /limits (saying they have placed more items than they have). I mentioned this to you in the past and you dismissed it pretty quickly. With there being no log file to verify the number in, I had to take your word for it. However, this wipe I had a player build their base on wipe day and they sent me a screenshot which indicated they had placed 2/2 Search Lights on their base, but they had placed 0/4 Search Lights globally. There is a problem with the method this plugin is using to identify items either on a base or globally as the screenshot which has been attached can't be accurate without one of them not working properly. Please look into this plugin and see if you can fix this issue, or I will have to stop using this entity limiting plugin as I am not sure I can trust its accuracy.


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Update is ready, testing now. Hopefully I'll post it tomorrow.  So far it's accurate as hell. Resolved all known issues. If you feel like you want to test it asap - DM me in discord 



Edited by MON@H

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