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Regarding buttons for the lights

Closed 1.3.1 1.4.0



This is not a high priority but for some time now the buttons seem to be out of place on the prefabs. Mostly I believe just that they have been resized, or did I never notice it before?

On the minicopter, which we use the most, is where it is the most noticeable. This one is certainly in a different place and is much lower. This also looks very odd from the 3rd person view as the lower part of the button sticks out quite a bit from the mini, the cord.

Is this something that can be sorted? I don't have a terrible amount of minicopter plugins but I have a couple that could cause this issue. Again it is not a high priority but I wanted to bring it to your attention.

Would you be able to add more options for the snowmobile? It looks amazing by the way just curious if it could be added to the config if nothing else, I do not want players to notice and take advantage of the free fuel if they get this permission.

Thank you in advance.



One other thing I forgot to mention, in combination with MiniCopterOptions from uMod, with the most recent version of that plugin, the spotlights can be turned on and off with the native button for lights. But with that newest version it is impossible to turn off the spotlights and leave only the flashing lights on.

Could an option for the minicopter be added to remove the spotlights? Or would you be willing to test with the other plugin to get it so that they can all be turned off together? If it helps, the previous version of the MiniCopterOptions plugin did work, and I may revert it honestly. It used a different button other than the flashlight and light button in game, and you were able to coordinate all 3 spotlights to work properly together.




The buttons unfortunately are quite finnicky to place but I try my best. In the latest update I have rotated and adjusted the one in  the helicopter so that the wire does not stick out  the bottom, I hope this helps. I have also added the option to change the amount of fuel that spawns in the snow mobile as well as the ability to lock the fuel compartment to that players cannot steal the fuel. I am not sure quite what you mean in regards to the minicopteroptions plugin as I have no experience with it but I have added the ability to configure whether the searchlight spawns on the minicopter and the boat  



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.4.0



You have done fine, something changed it might have even been other things that were added to the minicopter with other plugins so no worries, originally the button was higher and not noticable but eventually an update by Facepunch or another plugin had pushed it down.

The new update is awesome! The location and angle are perfect. The fuel spawn amount is perfect. I had an issue with not being able to put fuel into a locked fuel container but I figure with that you give a starting amount of fuel and let them respawn a new one if they get low on fuel, so no worries there and I have the ability to add locks so it's not necessary I just tested it. I have them all spawn with 0 fuel so people would not abuse it and spawn it repeatedly to load up on fuel.

Just to explain, the other plugin added a search light, so when it had both plugins adding a search light, what ended up happening is one light would always be on once you pressed the button, when you would press the toggle button the one from your plugin would turn off, and the one from the other would turn on. I wanted to keep both so that even players without the ability to use these, could still have a search light.

You can close this out again everything is perfect, I just wanted to clarify and say great work!



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