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Closed 1.3.2


(10:30:24) | [BoneMarket] Market refresh Check....

(10:30:25) | Calling 'OnServerSave' on 'FurnaceSplitter v2.4.1' took 291ms

(10:30:25) | Calling 'OnServerSave' on 'Kits v4.0.16' took 217ms

(10:30:25) | Calling 'OnServerSave' on 'RustRewards v3.0.9' took 161ms

(10:30:26) | Saved 157,537 ents, cache(1.26), write(0.08), disk(0.04).

(10:30:27) | Saving complete

(10:30:29) | Calling 'CanBeTargeted' on 'TruePVE v2.0.6' took 570ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]

(10:30:29) | Calling hook OnItemSplit resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: Cooking - Item.bone.fragmentsx1000000.247866407 (Item), CustomSkinsStacksFix (Item.bone.fragmentsx1000000.247866408 (Item))

(10:30:29) | Calling hook OnItemSplit resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: Cooking - Item.bone.fragmentsx1000000.247867661 (Item), CustomSkinsStacksFix (Item.bone.fragmentsx1000000.247867662 (Item))

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If you are having conflicts with stacks, disable cooking's handling of stacks by setting the following to false.

"Allow cooking to maintain the item integrity using the OnItemStack/CanStackItem hook. Set to false if you use a stack control plugin"


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