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issue with start of

Pending 2.0.6

Please help with the plugin at startup and restart does not start. If you run it manually, then it works fine.

07:00 [Info] AdminESP, AdminRadar, AutoDoors, Backpacks, BlueprintManager, BradleyGuards, Convoy, CopyPaste, EasyAirdrop, Economics, EnhancedHammer, Freeze, FurnaceSorter, GameStoresRUST, Godmode, GuardedCrate, HackCrate, HomeRecycler, IQBreakingTools, IQHotPoints, IQKits, IQMarker, IQRates, IQReportSystem, ImageLibrary, InstantCraft, InventoryViewer, ItemCostCalculator, MarkerManager, MinicopterSeating, NavMeshErrorFix, NpcSpawn, PlayerAdministration, PlayerGravestone, RaidableBases, Remove, ServerInfo, SkipNight, SkyPluginsUpdateCheck, SkyReportSystem, SmoothRestarter, StackSizeController, StoreBonus, SuperCard, Trade, TurretsExtended, UItemSort, UraniumTools, XDCobaltLaboratory, XDShop, XDStatistics, XHeliHealth, XMenu, XSkinMenu, XStashLogs, zEcoLootUI, BuildingWall, IQChat, LauncherAlkad, MetabolismBooster, MultiFighting, NTeleportation, RandomSpawns, ServerStats, SimpleKillFeed, TimedPermissions, UberTool, Vanish, XerCopterCraft and uCore were compiled successfully in 0ms
07:00 [Info] InCompiledAssemblyPatch
07:00 [Error] Error while compiling: PermissionsManager.cs(1290,58): error CS1061: Type `Oxide.Plugins.UserData' does not contain a definition for `Perms' and no extension method `Perms' of type `Oxide.Plugins.UserData' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

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