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override config default on wipe

Closed 2.4.1


Posted (edited)

can you please consider making a config override   to stop  defaulting to  default config or atleast add a global  min max  durabilty  overide im tired of having to go back and set  1.0  and 1.0  to EVERYTHING  particularly when  punchface do forced updates on updates its not a small job and it this point im just leaving the  mod out as i really dont want to go through the  enitre config  for the 3rd time in  a week


and its not just the durabilty setting tbo i  change alot in the config so im stuck with  these choices  either disable auto updates when  facepunch to a patch that wipes and the  server isnt aviablable until i can manually do it, which also applies to server crashes it seems, not sure about that one


or dont have a custom  staticlootable config which seems  a little pointless

or dont use static lootables


none of which i particularly like 


Edited by MastrJedii
  • Administrator
Raul-Sorin Sorban


Please read the desciption, as there's a config with lots of ready to go definitions which you can modify the way you like for you to download and start with. If you wanna change stuff in mass, please inform yourself about Notepad++ and the replacement tools which quickly mass update values you want to be applied or overrided. The config doesn't wipe / reset nor change in any way when the server wipes, so I don't really understand that complaint.

  • Administrator
Raul-Sorin Sorban

Posted (edited)

If your config resets somehow on server wipe it's because your system might've malfunctioned prior or mid updating, which could be possible that Oxide does do that. I highly recommend you to do backups.

Edited by Raul-Sorin Sorban

Posted (edited)

tt does reset the config on wipe 


i had just completed redoing the entire config  prior to the  rust mandatory push , the update was pushed the server  restarted it self as it spose to on any  oxide  mandatory push and i check  I go and check  lootbles and its  default config.  I know its default as i dont liek the m249  dropping from hack crates so its the first thing i change to lr rifle i then  go and change .2 and .65  to 1 for the entire config and yes they are all back to .2 and ,65 and its not a one off becuase rust update it did exactly the same thing last thursday. I dont wipe  configs or server config sets but without fail  a map wipe will  reset my  staticlootables to default config, not a map change or anything just a map wipe

but its fine close this  ill just take staticlootables out  



Edited by MastrJedii
  • Administrator
Raul-Sorin Sorban


Changed Status from Pending to Closed



Static Lootables doesn't edit config files when calling the OnNewSave hook, I just checked it, So something else is effecting the config.

May sound a bit stupid but lets go through it.
When you wipe the server are you or your host deleing oxide/config or oxide/data files? 
How are you handing wipes? auto script, manual deletion, etc.
if you go through your wipe procedure is there a config file before boot and then after boot how has it changed?
Are you getting NULL in the config file? << That is a server error and usually due to space constraints or Oxide taking a poop.

SL only handles Data file entries on a new save and thats just getting loot containers.

private void OnNewSave ( string filename )
            DataFile.WriteObject ( Data = new RootData () );




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