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Car vs Car

Closed 1.1.3

sometimes, the car npcs will kill each other. lol its only sometimes. and im not sure i hate it, i kind of like theres a slight chance theres pschopaths on the road.

if you could figure out whats going on, and maybe have a setting of [FiresFirst] or [DefenseOnly] that would be cool.

but its not a huge deal, just so youre aware somethings going on

it does leave cars on the side of the road defenseless, i may have to turn the detonator back on. i think this is the biggest downside

i think its car vs car, but im not 100% sure, i suppose it maybe npcs in the same car..

i get this 

[Traffic Drivers] Recorded paths not found, load standard Rust roads
[Traffic Drivers] Traffic car was sucessfully spawned!
[Traffic Drivers] Cars in spawn queue: 5
[Traffic Drivers] Finded suitable roads: 9
Loaded plugin Traffic Drivers v1.1.3 by walkinrey
[Traffic Drivers] Traffic car was sucessfully spawned!
[Traffic Drivers] Traffic car was sucessfully spawned!
Passenger[64319] was killed by Companion[5986902]
[Traffic Drivers] Traffic car was sucessfully spawned!
[Traffic Drivers] Traffic car was sucessfully spawned!
Passenger[24649] was killed by Companion[542227]
Passenger[98545] was killed by Companion[8646698]

ive seen in the console, the driver killed as well

heres the only time i actually seen in game a car vs car (and also car vs scientist)


ive been reloading the plugin by just saving the cs file with no changes,seems like this is a full unload load, not o.reload

my config that its happening on is attached.

i have no idea when it happens, i reloaded 3 times and it started happening, but also i could restart 12 times and it would be ok


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