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No cars spawning and error in console

Closed 1.1.2

Failed to call hook 'SpawnTrafficCar' on plugin 'TrafficDrivers v1.1.2' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in :0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.TrafficDrivers.SpawnTrafficCarParams (UnityEngine.Vector3[] path, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, Oxide.Plugins.TrafficDrivers+TrafficDriver+DriveSide side) [0x0004f] in :0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.TrafficDrivers.SpawnTrafficCar () [0x00051] in :0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.TrafficDrivers.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00313] in :0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in :0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 


[Traffic Drivers] Всего машин трафика: 0 / Traffic cars amount: 0

My config

  "Enable path recorder?": false,
  "Vehicle presets": {
    "3-х модульный транспорт": {
      "Random modules count (2-4, 0 for random count)": 0,
      "Modules (if you enter modules here the random modules option will not work)": [
      "Add codelock?": false,
      "Add door lock?": false,
      "Engine parts tier (0-3, 0 to spawn without parts)": 3,
      "Fuel amount (-1 for max amount)": -1,
      "Water amount for fuel tank (not necessary, -1 for max amount)": 0,
      "Max speed": 10.0,
      "Enable infinite fuel": true,
      "Driver preset name (leave blank to spawn random driver)": "Zombie Driver",
      "Destroy car after driver death?": true,
      "Block access to engine parts?": true,
      "Destroy engine parts after driver death?": true,
      "Add flashing lights to car driver module?": true,
      "Vehicle and passenger immortal time after spawn": 5.0,
      "Make vehicle immortal?": false,
      "Detonator (for vehicle despawn)": {
        "Add a detonator to the car after the death of the driver (useful to despawn cars)": true,
        "In how many seconds detonator will be blow up": 5.0
      "Loot in Storage Module": {
        "Add loot to Storage Module": false,
        "Loot": [
            "Item shortname": "wood",
            "Item skin": 0,
            "Item name (not necessary)": null,
            "Spawn chance": 100.0,
            "Item amount": {
              "Minimum": 1000.0,
              "Maximum": 10000.0
            "Item shortname": "stones",
            "Item skin": 0,
            "Item name (not necessary)": null,
            "Spawn chance": 100.0,
            "Item amount": {
              "Minimum": 5000.0,
              "Maximum": 50000.0
      "Passengers": [
          "Spawn chance": 100.0,
          "Make passenger scientist?": true,
          "Passenger display name": "Zombie Passenger",
          "Passenger skin (0 for random, this option isn't available when passenger is scientist)": 0,
          "Passenger health": {
            "Minimum": 100.0,
            "Maximum": 150.0
          "Passenger loot (scientists will be have a standard rust loot, here you can give them clothes and guns)": [
              "Item name": null,
              "Item shortname": "wood",
              "Item skin": 0,
              "Spawn chance": 100.0,
              "Item amount": {
                "Minimum": 100.0,
                "Maximum": 1000.0
              "Target container (main, belt, wear)": "main"
              "Item name": null,
              "Item shortname": "stones",
              "Item skin": 0,
              "Spawn chance": 100.0,
              "Item amount": {
                "Minimum": 500.0,
                "Maximum": 1000.0
              "Target container (main, belt, wear)": "main"
          "Passenger lock inventory containers (this option isn't available when passenger is scientist)": {
            "Lock player main inventory container?": false,
            "Lock player wear inventory container?": true,
            "Lock player belt inventory container?": true
  "Driver presets": {
    "Водитель Ярик": {
      "Display driver name": "Zombie Driver",
      "Bot skin (0 - random)": 0,
      "Bot health": {
        "Minimum": 100.0,
        "Maximum": 150.0
      "Bot loot": [
          "Item name": null,
          "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "Item skin": 0,
          "Spawn chance": 100.0,
          "Item amount": {
            "Minimum": 1.0,
            "Maximum": 1.0
          "Target container (main, belt, wear)": "belt"
          "Item name": null,
          "Item shortname": "hatchet",
          "Item skin": 0,
          "Spawn chance": 100.0,
          "Item amount": {
            "Minimum": 1.0,
            "Maximum": 1.0
          "Target container (main, belt, wear)": "main"
      "Driver will be moving with default speed (1) or will be increase max. speed for a while (2) when attacked?": 2,
      "Damage receive rate": 0.5,
      "Clothes": [
          "Item shortname": "halloween.mummysuit",
          "Item skin": 0
      "Companion": {
        "Spawn companion for driver? (he will shoot and protect him)": true,
        "Display companion name": "Zombie Passenger",
        "Prevent companion from attacking first?": false,
        "Companion health": {
          "Minimum": 100.0,
          "Maximum": 150.0
        "Clothes": [
            "Item shortname": "halloween.mummysuit",
            "Item skin": 0
        "Weapons": [
            "Item shortname": "rifle.ak",
            "Item skin": 0
        "Damage receive rate": 0.5,
        "Damage rate": 1.0
      "Lock player inventory containers": {
        "Lock player main inventory container?": false,
        "Lock player wear inventory container?": true,
        "Lock player belt inventory container?": true
  "Limits, spawn and interaction setup": {
    "Maximum amount of cars": {
      "Minimum": 5.0,
      "Maximum": 10.0
    "Minimum road width": 300,
    "After how many seconds destroy stuck car?": 60.0,
    "Delay between spawn next car": 5,
    "Prevent bots from attacking drivers and companions?": true,
    "Convoy plugin support": {
      "Enable the Convoy plugin support?": true,
      "Destroy traffic vehicles at the start of the Convoy plugin event?": false,
      "Destroy traffic vehicles when colliding with Convoy plugin event vehicles?": true


Why can't you just find a english speaking friend to help you translate the config properly? I've had nothing but bugs for months on this plugin.

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