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Problem ibag

Closed 1.2.9 1.3.0

Trudy Latté
Trudy Latté



We can put everything in the Ingredient bag (take an ingredient from de bag and switch with something in the inventory). It's a big problem because if it's not your ibag you can't loot anything, it's look like empty. It could be nice to loot ingredients in ibag from an another player (like the Backpack plugin).

By the way, a player can't loose his ingredient because ibags sharing the same inventory (when we craft multiple ingredient bags or when we craft a new one we get back the previous bag and his ingredients).




On 3/26/2022 at 3:14 AM, Manu said:


We can put everything in the Ingredient bag (take an ingredient from de bag and switch with something in the inventory). It's a big problem because if it's not your ibag you can't loot anything, it's look like empty. It could be nice to loot ingredients in ibag from an another player (like the Backpack plugin).

By the way, a player can't loose his ingredient because ibags sharing the same inventory (when we craft multiple ingredient bags or when we craft a new one we get back the previous bag and his ingredients).


It ingredient bag is simply an access point to access the players ingredient storage. It is the same as having the chat command.

I will add a patch for the ingredient swapping to drop everything from the container once closed that doesn't belong.




Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to Next Version



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