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Friendly Fire Adjustment

Closed 1.0.19 1.0.20

  • in Clans

Posted (edited)

Friendly Fire should be a consenting setup instead of non-consenting. In other words, both party members should have it turned on to take or give damage. This is just my recommendation, but this can avoid trolls. As it currently stands, if I turned on my friendly fire, I could damage a party member, but if they have it turned off they can't damage me. So they could be killed and not have a chance to defend themselves quickly.


private void OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info)


            var helicopter = entity as BaseHelicopter;

            if (helicopter != null && helicopter.net != null && info.InitiatorPlayer != null)

                _lastHeli[helicopter.net.ID] = info.InitiatorPlayer;


            var player = entity as BasePlayer;

            if (player == null) return;


            var initiatorPlayer = info.InitiatorPlayer;

            if (initiatorPlayer == null || player == initiatorPlayer) return;


            var data = GetPlayerData(player.userID);

            if (data == null) return;


            var initdata = GetPlayerData(initiatorPlayer.userID);

            if (initdata == null) return;


            var clan = FindClanByID(initiatorPlayer.userID);

            if (clan == null) return;


            if ((!data.FriendlyFire || !initdata.FriendlyFire) && clan.IsMember(player.userID))




                Reply(player, CannotDamage);



            if ((!data.AllyFriendlyFire || !initdata.AllyFriendlyFire)&& clan.Alliances.Select(FindClanByTag).Any(x => x.IsMember(player.userID)))




                Reply(player, AllyCannotDamage);




These Lang options should also be updated.
                [CannotDamage] = "Friendly fire is turned off, you are were not damaged. (<color=#7FFF00>/clan ff</color>)",

                [AllyCannotDamage] = "Ally fire is turned off, you are were not damaged. (<color=#7FFF00>/clan allyff</color>)",

Edited by RedAcid


Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.0.20



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