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Multiple parent monuments for one profile

Closed 1.0.6


How am I able to setup multiple parent monuments for one bot type? 

The default is like this

        "Parent_Monument": "Stone Quarry 0"

I tried this
        "Parent_Monument": ["Stone Quarry 0","The Dome 0]

But this didn't work as expected but how am I able to have multiple parent monuments?

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  • Administrator


The parent monument is there because if you created a custom profile at, say, the Airfield then changed maps,
that custom profile would remain at it's location while the Airfield would move somewhere else.

Setting Parent_Monument to the Airfield, in that case, would ensure that the custom profile and any spawnpoints it has will relocate,
so they're in the same place relative to the Airfield, no matter where the Airfield goes.


What were you hoping to achieve in setting multiple?
Maybe you just want multiple custom profiles? `/botrespawn add SomeNameHere` ?

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  • Administrator

Ah, I see.
Ordinarily you'd just use the default profile for each monument but since you're talking about a boss I guess the default profiles are already in use for other npcs.

You'd need to create a custom profile for each of these boss, at each of the monuments, and set Parent_Monument to the appropriate monument each time.


So, for example, create boss profile near Airfield - set Parent_Monument to Airfield.
create boss profile near Dome - set Parent_Monument to Dome.

If all your boss profiles are going to have the same settings you can use the copy/paste feature to save some time,
but you'd still have to create the profiles manually first, and set Parent_Monument for each manually.

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Okay, thanks.

So for example, if I want to create a boss for Airfield, I will manually go to airfield and create the profile. Then I will configure the bot and set the right parent monument and repeat the process for all monuments by going there and creating a new profile.  

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  • Administrator

Yes, that would be the process.
It takes a little time but, then, the point of Parent_Monument is that you don't have to do it each wipe so it saves time in the longer term.

If you're going to be adding precise custom spawn points within a profile (with UseCustomSpawns true), make sure you set your Parent_Monument first.
That's important.

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