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Tunnels-custom locations

Closed 1.0.6


I am wondering how I can get them to spawn in tunnels. I have put custom spawn points in and they seem to be spawning appropriately, just not in the exact location. I put the one setting for radius to 10 which is the lowest I can get. It is happening with locations inside small buildings as well. Where they will spawn outside instead of inside. I have a couple keycard rooms I want them to stay in until the door is unlocked atleast. 


Do you have any suggestions to spawn in an exact location?

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Radius comes into play if npcs are spawn without custom spawn points.

When the use custom spawnpoints option is true, and you've added spawnpoints, then radius isn't used for those and they should be precisely where you placed them,
as long as there's navmesh at that place.

Worth noting, though, if you have a profile that asks for, say, 10 npcs and you provide 6 custom spawn points, it will spawn the extra 4 at random spots, taking into account radius.


Any npcs spawned at random locations with a radius by BotReSpawn are going to be above ground on open terrain.

Does that answer your question?
If not, please just let me know.

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