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Remove Min and Max Condition Percentt Please

Pending 1.0.8


I don't think your Min and Max Condition Percent properties is working.  It is applying a 90-100 percent health to items that normally are just 100%.  You can't repair the items either.  

As an example, this showed up in my loot table after the upgrade:

     "wall.frame.fence.gate": {
        "probability": 1,
        "minStack": 1,
        "maxStack": 1,
        "blueprintChancePercent": 0,
        "MinConditionPercent": 90,
        "MaxConditionPercent": 100

I am now receiving chain link fence gates that have 90-100 percent health and can't stack and are not repairable.  I would have to say this is undesirable.

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  • Administrator


Sounds like it's working fine.
It'll will show the min/max condition option for any items which have a condition scale.
Whether it actually makes sense to adjust condition for any given item is a different story, but if there's a visible scale there CustomLoot will give you the options.

I'd recommend blanket setting everything to min 100/max 100, then tweaking the specific items that you want to set specific, or random in range, conditions for.

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The plugin should default to 100/100 is what I am saying.  Why force everyone to update their loot tables?  I will do it, but this is again, undesirable.

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