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Having a really strange problem

Not a Bug 2.0.5



When setting the avatar ID to 76561199761528319, the avatar ID is automatically changed to 76561199761528320.

It's adding +1 to the integer of the ID. I've tried unloading the plugin then setting the ID & reloading it but it is still reverted to 
76561199761528320 upon loading



Just now, Lynch123 said:

When setting the avatar ID to 76561199761528319, the avatar ID is automatically changed to 76561199761528320.

It's adding +1 to the integer of the ID. I've tried unloading the plugin then setting the ID & reloading it but it is still reverted to 
76561199761528320 upon loading

That sounds like a host editor issue, I've seen it before with gtxgaming web editor, it loads the steamids incorrectly (basically long numbers) but if I download the file it looks right.



I found the issue. I also use ScheduledMessages from uMod I also have that plugin set to use 76561199761528319 for avatarID. If ScheduledMessages is using it, AutomatedMessages will add +1 to the steamID integer. Is this possible to fix? 

If not, it's not the end of the world. I could always solve the issue by creating a 2nd steam account with a new ID to avoid the duplication ID bug.



2 minutes ago, Lynch123 said:

I found the issue. I also use ScheduledMessages from uMod I also have that plugin set to use 76561199761528319 for avatarID. If ScheduledMessages is using it, AutomatedMessages will add +1 to the steamID integer. Is this possible to fix? 

If not, it's not the end of the world. I could always solve the issue by creating a 2nd steam account with a new ID to avoid the duplication ID bug.

Check my previous reply, creating a new steam account won't stop that from happening. The plugin would never change that value you set.



Using two different steamIDs solved the issue. The bug only occurs if both ScheduledMessages & AutomatedMessages is using the same SteamID




2 minutes ago, Lynch123 said:

Using two different steamIDs solved the issue. The bug only occurs if both ScheduledMessages & AutomatedMessages is using the same SteamID


That is not how things works. What host are you using and is that what you see in their site editor or locally?



12 hours ago, Lynch123 said:

Host is GTX

Then it is what i suspected, it's just a bug they have when showing files that have steamids (it rounds them to nearest 10 or something like that). What you see in the editor not what actually is in the file, you can see that when you download it.



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