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Turrets Behind Prison Cell Walls & Gates

Can't Reproduce 1.0.1

Wile E.


Turrets behind prison cell walls & gates no longer do any damage. Players can walk right by them without taking any damage which, unfortunately, makes any bases that use them useless to run on a server. I was unable to find anything saying Facepunch has made a change to something that would cause this but I have had players say they recollect reading something about it.  If I had any clue how to change the use of them I would take a shot at it. Is this something that can be fixed/corrected ?



I have not heard anything of the sort, nor can I find anything from facepunch about this change. If you can provide this change to me, i'll update the bases, but I highly doubt that this is a base issue. This sounds like some type of plugin modifying this or something. I have no idea. Like i said I haven't heard ANYTHING about this change.



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