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CargoPlaneCrashEnded not sent at Unload

Closed 1.3.4 1.3.5

Hello Fruster 👋

I am running your event from an event starter that listen start and end hooks.
So I am really happy of the new CargoPlaneCrashEnded hook. 😀

Unfortunately, that hook is not called when unloading the plugin while event is started.
That may be a detail, but could you fix it anyway?


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Hey! Okay, I'll add that in the next update. The hook will be called when the plugin is unloaded if the event has already been started. Will this suit you?

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Correct 👌

By the way... it would be great if CargoPlaneCrashEnded could be send even if plane is not crashed.
As of now, that hook is not send when event is stopped whereas plane has not crashed yet.
But that is an additional request. 😉

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